Chapter 6

Judith sighed as his lips met hers.Their first kiss a week ago had been amazing.But this second one was even more heavenly, like falling into a bed of the sweetest, softest rose petals.

She let her arms creep around his waist, burrow under his jacket.He groaned against her mouth and his lips parted.

Vaguely she registered voices of people walking past, and realised they were right under the streetlamp.And because kissing in public places was new territory, she pulled back.

He blinked at her, his gaze hazy.“Wow!”was all he said, but it was enough, in this moment, for Judith Mellors, all of twenty-nine years old, to realise how truly magical a kiss between two people could be.

She was about to throw caution to the wind and dive in for another when a group of kids walked past, laughing.Carts stiffened.

“There’s a quiet little spot just over here,” she whispered, weaving her fingers into his.“Perhaps we should go there.”

He nodded, so she led him down a winding path to her secret place.She often came and sat here at weekends, watching the water lap on the sandy river beach below, hidden from passers-by by a screen of grevilleas and eucalypts.

When she snuggled back into his chest he murmured against her ear, “Are you cold?”

“No, not cold.Just… kind of happy.”

Carts rested his chin gently on the crown of her head.“Me too.”A super-charged silence followed, his chest moving with his breath against hers, then he asked, “So you come here—like, on your own?”

“Mostly.Sometimes with Pippa.”

“Not with your ex?”

“No, not with Mark.He never liked walking much.Or being in nature.He’s heavily into computer games.”

“Oh right.”A pause.“If you don’t mind me asking.Is it…” She sensed his feet shift.“Is it, likeproperlyover between you two?”

“Oh yes.Absolutely over.”She silenced the urge to tell him about Mark stealing her savings.That would mean more talking, and right now the mood was sensual and languorous, so why spoil something so special?

“You were with him a long time?”

“Twelve years.”

“Wow, that’s like loooong.”

“And you?With—” She knew the girl was called Lucy.Polly had mentioned it.


“Yeah… Lucy…” Her voice trailed off.Did she really want to know?About Carts loving another woman?Kissing another woman?A churning feeling settled where her ribs met her stomach.She’d never deemed herself capable of jealousy, but was she?Was this a sign she was in deep?Already?She cleared her throat.“Were you two serious?”

“Kind of.We were together a year.That’s long term for me.”

Her gut constricted.What if Carts was one of those commitment-phobic men who came on all hot and strong and then lost interest?Wined and dined you and thenwhoosh.Gone.A couple of girls she knew had been… what did they call it?Ghosted or something.She’d been horrified when she heard, and retreated to her sewing room and washing Mark’s socks, grateful that she wasn’t out in the world getting ghosted.

“Perhaps we shouldn’t talk about exes,” she said.“Let’s just enjoy tonight.”

He murmured his agreement and they cuddled once more.To hell with worrying.She was far too practiced at that.Here now, in the present, she wanted to be daring, to take risks.So, when his arms tightened around her, she pressed her body along the length of his, delighting in how lean and muscular he was.She found where his shirt met his pants, gave it a little tug, and let her hands roam across the velvety skin of his stomach.The muscles of his abs quivered and he buried his face with a sigh into her hair.

“You smell divine,” he murmured.

“So do you.”She pressed her lips softly to his neck, saw his Adam’s apple bob, once, twice, as if he was swallowing hard.She nipped little kisses lower, around his collar as her hands sneaked up his back.

“Oh Christ!”Deep and guttural, it was her cue to keep exploring.Her hands moved over his hips, around his butt, and then, daringly, she pulled him against her belly.The ridge of his erection strained against her, and a thought struck her that was utterly and completely out of character

Oh my, big boy!