“Probably not.It’s just a vivid one.Pip was only three.Dad didn’t believe me of course.I got told off for telling porky pies in front of a whole lot of home viewers.”She sighed.“I do have a tendency to rescue people.”

He glanced down at their joined hands, his big and bony knuckled, hers smooth-skinned and delicate, and fought the urge to shout,don’t rescue me.Don’t hold my hand because you feel sorry for me.Maybe Judith felt the energy in him shift because she glanced up.“It’s really lovely, being here with you.”

A frown of disbelief tugged at his eyebrows.“You’re not just saying that?”

Her lashes swept down in a blink.“Sorry?”

“This, urm, holding my hand.The kiss.The other night.It’s not about…” He stalled.Yep, his palms were definitely sweaty now.

She turned to face him.“About?”

“Being nice,” he spluttered.“Like, you’re a really kind person and I thought, maybe, you—”

“Why would you think that?”Her grip on his hand tightened and he clung on like a man drowning.

“No reason.I tend to say dumb things when I’m nervous,” he finished with downcast eyes.

Which was why he didn’t immediately notice Judith stepping closer until her hands were sneaking up his arms.

“Maybe we should kiss again,” she murmured.“To prove I’m not just being nice.”