You could almost hear the music grinding to a slow and discordant halt.The guitar strings twanging as they snapped.A total A-grade disaster.The only way out of this was a subject change.He motioned desperately for the waiter.“I think we should look at the dessert menu, don’t you?”

For the rest of the meal he laughed, he talked—too much and too fast—and it felt like Judith was slipping away from him with every stupid word that came out of his mouth.

Misery settled heavy in his gut as she politely refused dessert.Instead, they shared a trendy pot of bitter-tasting green tea while he yabbered on about how the soundproofed panels in the restaurant made it easier to hear each other’s conversation.Only, what the fuck was the point of that when nothing you said was worth hearing?

As they stood outside the restaurant, he stared at the pavement and waited for the axe to fall.

Then Judith said, “Would you like to get a gelato?”

Carts’ head spiked up, a grin spreading across his face.“Gelato!That sounds like a plan.”

Judith smiled back, her eyes sparkling, and suddenly everything was right in the world.

“There’s the best place down on the quay.”She touched his arm; brief, yes, but enough to make his skin goosebump with anticipation.“Their gelatis are to die for.”

“Cool.”Inside Carts’ head, Spandau Ballet pitched in with the opening lines of “Gold”.

The gods of love had given him a reprieve.

Yep.Pure gold.