Chapter 5

“The white chocolate cherry delight is my favourite,” Judith heard herself chirp.Normally her mouth would be watering at the mere mention, but she wasn’t the slightest bit interested in the gelati.She wasn’t ready to say goodbye and if she didn’t do something, she had a hunch Carts was going to stare at his feet and let her drift away.

She knew the exact moment it happened.She’d got a bit too intense and scared him with her how-do-you-know-if-it’s-love question.The kiss last weekend had raised her expectations and—unusual for her—she’d let her heart get in the way of common sense.

So, as they’d both stood awkwardly outside the restaurant, she shoved her sensible occupational therapist hat firmly back on her head and tried to work out what she’d do if she was helping a patient plan a social outing.

She’d tell them to drop the expectations.

She’d tell them to go eat gelati, have fun.

And by the look on Carts’ face when she suggested it, either hedidwant to spend more time with her, or he was mad on gelati.

She sighed with relief when he grinned and said, “Sounds like a plan.”

“Have you seen the kiosk on the quay?”she asked.“It’s shaped like a diamond.”

“Oh,” a look of comprehension dawned, “is that’s what that thing is?Always wondered.”

“How could you not know it sold gelati?”

“You’re right.Very unobservant.”They fell into easy step now and it was so nice not to have to narrow her stride.

“I usually come to the quay and grab something to eat at lunch time,” Carts explained.“Then I walk over the bridge and watch the action on the river, so I never get as far as the kiosk.Besides, I don’t eat ice-cream much, you know, keeping healthy these days…” He gave his very flat stomach a pat.

Doubt encroached.“We don’t have to… if you’d prefer…”

He glanced down at her.Down.Oh, what a fantastic feeling!

“You want the truth?”

She peeked up at him from under her lashes.“Mmmm?”

“I’d eat glass shards if it meant spending more time with you.”

Delight rendered her speechless and, not knowing what else to do, she flipped her bag at his arm.“I’d never want you to do that.Just buy me a gelato.”

“Small price to pay.”And now she sensed they were both grinning in the dark.

At the kiosk, Carts deliberated for ages on flavours, a fact that Judith could tell was driving the assistant to a needle point of frustration as the girl shoved the fourth taster at him.

“Maybe I’ll settle for French vanilla.”He cast her the same panicked look as when he’d been confronted with the wine menu earlier.

“The salted caramel is wonderful,” she murmured close to his ear.The smell of sandalwood cologne on warm male met her nostrils.

“Done!”He dragged out his wallet.“One salted caramel and one white chocolate cherry delight in a—?”When he glanced at her she could see there were actual caramel glints in his dark eyes.

“I’ll take a cup,” she answered weakly, feeling her body’s response in her tightening nipples.

“Righto.Both in cups,” Carts said gruffly to the assistant.A little muscle ticked in his jaw.She had the sudden urge to reach up and run her fingers around the short stubble and down his neck to where his unbuttoned shirt showed a glimpse of skin.

When he handed her the cup, she grasped it hard.

As they sat down on a bench overlooking the river, they both stretched their legs out.

Carts dug his spoon into his gelato.She twirled hers around and around and watched the cherry pieces glisten in the lights of the quay.

Carts let out a big sigh.“Don’t you love evenings like this?”