Chapter 21

Judith stood next to the Arrivals barrier at Perth International Airport, her hand clasped tightly in Carts’.

A full week had passed, and though not as eventful as the previous one, a lot seemed to have happened.Carts had started his new position as head of small business at Pearson’s.He’d told her he’d brought his own chair in and put it behind Ron’s desk because he couldn’t hack the thought of his butt inhabiting the same spot as Ron’s mouldy old arse.

Pippa had met Mum for a coffee and now apparently a meal was planned with Shaz and all four parents to meet and get to know each other.It was a coup of Herculean proportions, achieved with almost no input from Judith.She’d not heard a word from Mark.That was to be expected, but she had a plan to tackle that problem if the money wasn’t in her account in a month.

As for her love life, well, she and her beloved had tried out at least a dozen more of the tips fromPleasure Your Partner, with plenty of checking, “is that okay for you?softer…?firmer…?maybe faster…?slower?”

Judith forced herself to focus on the imminent arrivals, not her blossoming sex life.

“I think they’re about to come through now,” Carts said, craning his neck to see through the glass panel above the doors into the customs area.

Excitement swirled inside her, mixed with a little apprehension.What would she say when she met Aaron?And Alice?She really wanted to make a good impression.

A familiar heady perfume wafted past her nostrils and there was Polly, her curls wild around her face, wearing a checked 1950s style frock and high-heeled strappy sandals.Solo stood by her side, casual in black jeans and a black T-shirt.

Suddenly Judith felt like the plus one at a party where she wasn’t really needed.

She found herself shrinking back a little, and immediately Carts seemed to sense it.

“What’s the matter?”

She couldn’t look at him.“You all know each other so well, and I’m the new girl on the block.”

He ducked his head so she had to meet his eyes.

“And this is right where you belong.”The non-negotiable tone in his voice sent a little quiver of desire through her.She loved when he played masterful.She resisted an overwhelming urge to nibble at his neck just below his ear.

Polly, who’d clearly been eavesdropping, looped an arm through Judith’s.“You’re stuck with all of us forever.”So now judith found herself sandwiched between Polly and Carts.There were much worse places to be, she decided.“I want to be the one who introduces you to them,” Polly said, popping her eyes at Carts in a challenge.“You were my friend before you met buggerlugs here.”

“Stop muscling in on my girl,” Carts teased back.

And then the automatic doors whooshed open and there were Alice and Aaron, pushing trolleys piled high with luggage.Judith had never met Aaron of course, but with his swept-back trendy blonde hair and bright blue eyes, she recognised him immediately from the photos.

As if surfing a wave, their little group surged forward, taking Judith with them.

Aaron suddenly spotted Carts and his face split into a huge grin.

He left his trolley by the barrier and, with a “Hey, mate!”, locked Carts in a bear hug.

A lot of back-slapping took place and Judith tried not to feel a teeny-weeny spike of envy as with a squeal of “Munchkin!”Polly flew over to Alice and hugged her.

“Arghh, death by curls,” Alice said, somewhat muffled by the barrage of Polly’s hair, and everyone laughed.Now Polly hurled herself with almost the same enthusiasm at Aaron.

It reminded Judith of the way Pip hugged people; her whole being thrown into it, heart and soul.

Meanwhile, Alice had extricated herself from Polly’s embrace and was heading towards Judith.In her jeans and red Converse, she only reached Judith’s shoulder.“Hello, Judith.”She smiled.“It’s lovely to meet you properly.”

To Judith’s surprise, Alice went up on tippy toes, placed a hand on her shoulder and kissed her first on one cheek and then the other.“I’ve learnt the European way,” she confided.“At first I’d get caught out when I didn’t expect them to go for my other cheek, and we’d end up nose bumping, but I’ve got the hang of it now.”Her dark eyes were warm behind her glasses and Judith realised why everyone loved Alice.She had a quiet way of making you feel special.An answering smile arced across her face.Alice reached up on tippy-toes again and murmured close to her ear, “He’s a wonderful man.”

“Yes, I can see that.Really very handsome,” Judith agreed with a vigorous nod towards Aaron.Alice followed her gaze.“I didn’t meanhim.I do think Aaron is beautiful, of course—full of faults, andsovain about his hair, but I love him regardless.I meant Carts; he is the most kind, generous, beautiful man.”

“I know.”Judith felt her cheeks heating.“That’s why I lovehim—well, one of the reasons.”

Alice’s eyes scrunched behind her glasses.

By now Polly was jiggling up and down in her Jimmy Choos.“So now I have to introduce you guys to my… my—what are you?”She cocked her head with a suggestive smirk at Solo.