“Your shrink?”he suggested.More greetings ensued, and firm handshakes were exchanged between Aaron and Solo.

“Well,” Polly placed her hands on her hips, “now my two besties have finally met…” Judith blinked.Had she heard right?Did Polly really consider her a bestie?Her heart glowed as Polly continued, “Let’s get out of here.I hate airports unless I’m the one flying off somewhere.”

“We can’t leave yet,” Alice protested.“We’ve got to wait for Mum.”

Polly’s mouth formed a big O.“You mean Rowena’s here too?Argghh, you never said.”

“I didn’t want to spoil the fun.”

“Oh god.”Polly rolled horrified eyes at Solo.“We’re going to have to move out, babe.”

Solo smirked and shot her an unmistakably lust-filled look.

“So where is she?”Polly craned her neck.

“Customs are probably checking out the binding on the books she’s brought with her.”

Aaron shook his head.“Rowena was in the row behind us and talked for hours to the guy next to her about some eighteenth-century feminist writer.”

“Mary Wollstonecraft,” Alice supplied.

He grinned lovingly at her.“Yeah, her.And your mum got louder and louder in direct correlation to how many gin and tonics she’d consumed.I’ll take the screaming baby row any day over being stuck next to Rowena on a plane.”

Alice slapped his arm.

A moment later all their eyes were drawn to a commotion at the automatic doors.

“Oh, golly gosh, I am so,sosorry.”

A woman in an almost floor-length, brightly coloured silk dress, with tortoiseshell pins holding up a cascade of salt and pepper hair, stood looking helpless beside a completely empty trolley; the contents of which were now sprayed across the floor, blocking the exit.

Carts grinned.“Rowena Montgomery does it again.”

“Oh Mum!”said Alice, rushing over to help.But before Alice reached her, a be-suited silver fox had started to pile Rowena’s bags methodically back onto her trolley.Judith watched Rowena smile dazzlingly back at him.

“That’s him,” Aaron hissed, “the guy she was raving to on the plane.”

“Oh James, you aresucha gentleman,thank you.”Now Rowena was batting her eyelids at the silver fox.

The man’s gaze flashed obvious appreciation.“At your service.It was a pleasure to spend the flight with you—Rowena.”He inclined his head before striding off into the crowd.

Rowena stood for a moment gazing wistfully after him.When she joined them, two dots of colour rode high on her cheeks.“What an absolute gentleman.Don’t you just love the British?”

“Maybe you should have stayed there,” Aaron remarked, lips twitching.

Rowena flapped a ring-covered hand at him.“Rude boy.And to think I have to put up with you as a son-in-law.”

Then she spied Carts and, with a delighted exclamation, pitched towards him in a flurry of silk.“Carter!”She held him at arm’s length.“Let me look at you.Goodness, I do believe you’ve grown.”

“Haha.Funny—not.”Grinning, Carts took Rowena by the elbow and led her over to Judith.“Rowena, I’d like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Judith.”

“Lovely to meet you, Judith.”Rowena appraised her with obvious admiration.“Where did you get such beautiful colour hair?”

“Oh, thank you.”Judith pulled at a golden strand, not quite sure what to say.“I was born with it.”

A moment later Dan barrelled like a missile into the midst of them and skidded to a halt, puffing from his sprint across the arrivals area.“Jesus Christ, the info board said the flight landed half an hour ago.Was it early?”

“No.”Aaron laughed.“But Rowena got stuck in customs.Good to see you mate.”