“Did you get my email earlier?” I ask once I pull onto the main road, then berate myself for bringing up the fundraiser when I said I wouldn’t.

She nods. “I was rather impressed. You did good this week. Maybe you’ll get a treat later.” She winks at me, and I chuckle.

“What a lucky boy I am.”

“Being in my company? Absolutely.” Kenzie grins while she stares out the windshield.

I steal glances as I drive, noticing the way her fiery hair glistens under the city lights while we pass through downtown.

She catches me staring at a stop light. “Do I have something on my face?”

“Nope. Just enjoying the view.”

Her cheeks blush, and when she doesn’t say anything in return, I’m surprised.

We get to the restaurant, and I groan when I see how packed they are. Just because we have a reservation doesn’t mean service won’t still be slow thanks to the busy Thursday evening.

“I’ve been here once with my dad and one of his clients. Good choice,” Kenzie says and gets out on her own.

I hurry around the front to meet her and do something I know she won’t expect. I take her hand in mine and squeeze. “I’m glad you think so.”

She gasps softly, but I don’t call attention to the action. Instead, I lead us toward the doors and stop immediately when I see camera flashes.

I haven’t had to deal with the paparazzi since I cut ties with my parents. I’m not sure why they’re here tonight, but it explains why the parking lot is so full.

Kenzie moves closer to me, and I let go of her hand to wrap my arm around her waist.

Keeping our heads down, we go inside, and I breathe a sigh of relief that everything is normal beyond the front doors.

“Holy shit,” Kenzie mutters and I follow her gaze. A small group of A-list actors are laughing at the bar, uncaring that most of the restaurant is staring at them. At least nobody is harassing them for photos and autographs.

“Welcome, can I get your name?” the petite hostess asks.

“Bentley Abbott. I have a reservation,” I say.

She browses the tablet in her hands. “Yes, Mr. Abbott. I have you right here. Follow me, please.”

Thankfully, she leads us to the opposite side of the room from the celebrities. I don’t want to be caught in the middle of any chaos if one of the paparazzi happens to sneak in.

I keep Kenzie at my side until we get to our table and then sit across from her. The hostess disappears and the silence returns.

“Kenzie,” I say roughly.

She tilts her head. “Yes?”

“This is a date.” My eyes watch her face.

She grins. “Okay. As long as it has a happy ending, then I don’t mind.”

My hand reaches across the table, and I settle it over hers. “I’d like to date you.”

“Oh.” All emotions drop from her face.

Fuck. That wasn’t what I expected.

I stand my ground, though, waiting for her to process what I’ve said.

Finally, she blinks several times. “Why?”