I chuckle. “What do you mean ‘why’?”

“We’re total opposites.” Her other hand gestures between the two of us. “I live in a tiny house. You have a mansion. I have a Honda. You drive a Range Rover probably worth more than my new annual salary. Different sides of the tracks, Bentley.”

“So, because of all that, I’m only allowed to want to fuck you?” I raise a brow.

Her hazel eyes darken. “No, that’s not what I’m saying.”

“Then, whatareyou saying? AmInot good enough for you to date?” I challenge.

She laughs loudly, then covers her mouth to quiet the sound. “Also, wasn’t what I was saying. I just mean…I thought this was only sex…and getting on each other’s nerves. For however long it lasted.”

I pull my hand back. “It still can be if that’s what you prefer.”

The disappointment I feel is hidden from my words, and I hope she can’t see it on my face. I don’t need a pity date.

Kenzie’s fingers drum over the table. The longer she’s quiet, the more I begin to appreciate that she’s giving my proposal to dating some serious thought.

It reminds me of why I couldn’t get her out of my head in the first place. Kenzie wouldn’t be going out with me for my money or for what I can offer her. She’s a stubborn, mouthy, independent woman. Everything I didn’t know I wanted.

Our server comes and Kenzie is still quiet, so I order surf and turf for the both of us. When he leaves, I take a long pull of my water before breaking the silence.

“We can leave if you want.”

Her eyes widen. “No. I’m sorry. I just have all these scenarios going through my head right now, and I’m not good at compartmentalizing my emotions…or with surprises.”

“I see. Well, how are the scenarios working out?”

She smirks. “Most of them are coming up with never-ending orgasms.”

I match her smile. “That doesn’t sound terrible. For either of us.”

The quietness returns, and I’m ready to ask what the other scenarios are, but before I can, she finally says, “Okay.”

“Okay, what?” I want her to say the words I know she’s capable of forming.

“I’ll date you, but I don’t need this fancy shit all the time.”

I laugh darkly. “God, the things I want to do to that mouth of yours…”

She tenses from across the table, then leans back against the booth. A second later, I feel something brush against my inner thigh.

My shoulders go rigid. “Kenzie.” My tone is warning, and her mood is softening by the second.

“Don’t get your panties in a twist, Mr. Abbott. I wouldn’t give you a foot job in public,” she says not-so-quietly.

“Foot job, huh?” I question.

She wiggles her hands. “Well, these aren’t reaching all the way over there.”

I’m tempted to move over to her side, but that’s probably a terrible idea, especially with all of the cameras outside. There’s no telling what they can see from the windows.

Our food arrives, and the rest of my nerves disappear. I don’t know what dating McKenzie Chase is going to be like, but I’m certain it’s going to be one hell of an adventure for however long it lasts.