I play with the end of my butter knife. “Why did you invite me here?”

He adjusts his tie and meets my curious gaze. “Because we need to learn to work together, and we didn’t start off great. I’m hoping we can come to a mutual understanding and find common ground, like doing whatever it takes to help Resolutions.”

I want to chuckle, but instead, I show my amusement with words. “So, you regret kicking me out of your bed after fucking me?”

The server shows back up with salads and promptly drops them on the table without saying a word. I guess I should have looked around before speaking. Though, I’m not embarrassed, and, at this point, I don’t really care if Bentley is.

Bentley glowers at me. “Was it really necessary to say that out loud?”

“Is it really necessary to shove that stick up your ass every day?” I retort with a sweet smile.

He picks up a fork and stabs at his food. “As necessary as these extra onions.” He shovels the disgusting vegetable into his mouth.

I shudder. “You’re repulsive.”

“Says the pot to the kettle.” His food crunches loudly, and I want to punch him in the face.

Instead of eating my salad, I finally grab a piece of bread and take a massive bite, because why not. The garlic explodes in my mouth, and I moan without thinking. “God, that’s so good.”

Something thuds against the table. I glance at Bentley to find his darkening eyes on me, the fork upside down on the tablecloth, and his salad long forgotten.

I pick up the bread bowl. “Want one?”

He shakes his head, picks up the dropped utensil, and pays attention to his food again.

After I finish my slice of perfection, I return to our conversation. “So, you want to actually work together on this fundraiser? Why now?”

Bentley chews slowly and wipes a napkin over his perfect lips before speaking. “Because I care about the shelter and Joyce. I want to see things go better than planned.”

I tilt my head. “So, Joyce said something to you and now you’re backpedaling.”

His attitude changed too fast for there to be any other reason for this impromptu lunch.

“Joyce might have spoken with me yesterday, but I was already wanting to figure out a solution before she said anything. I’d like to see what you’ve gotten done and what I need to help with still.”

He pauses when the host arrives with our food. “Your server is on break. I hope everything is to your liking.”

I smile at the young man. “Thank you. It looks amazing.”

He nods and leaves without another word.

I swirl pasta around my fork and look back up at Bentley. “Listen, this is just as frustrating for me as it is for you.”

He snorts while moving his chair closer to the table. “Doubtful.”

I cut a glare at him for interrupting me. “ButI’m willing to put past encounters behind us if you apologize for being a prick to me that first night.”

Bentley pauses with his fork in the air. “Excuse me?”

I take my bite, slowly chewing and swallowing before I answer. “You heard me.”

“Why?” he demands.

“Why should you apologize? If you need to ask that, you have bigger problems than me being a pain in your ass.”

He takes another bite of pasta and stares intently at his food. His knuckles are white from holding his fork so tightly.
