“Fine? That’s a swell apology,” I deadpan.

Bentley looks me straight in the eyes and leans forward. I can’t help but mimic his actions. The table suddenly feels too small. He puts both of his hands on the table and says, “I’m sorry, Kenzie. I shouldn’t have brought you home the other night.”

Oh, that fucking dickass.

It takes every ounce of self-control that I possess not to throw my water in his face.

“And I’m sorry you were born with a crooked dick.” I move my chair back and grab my bag. “Don’t bother to invite me to another lunch. I won’t accept.”

I walk from the table and head for the front door. Cool air from outside soothes my heated face as I storm away from the building. When I make it to the parking lot, I want to scream. Hell, I want to key his SUV like a damned teenager.

Instead, I unlock my car and get in like the responsible adult I am. As soon as I pop the door open, I hear my name, but that doesn’t stop me. Once I’m in my seat, I close the door and hit the lock button.

Fuck Bentley and his talented, not-actually-crooked dick. I don’t want anything to do with him.

When I start my car, he pulls on the handle. I hold my middle finger up to the window and put the car in reverse.

“If you back out, you’re going to run over my foot,” he calls through the window.

“And I’ll wish it was your head, so I never have to see your face again.” I inch the car back. “Move, Bentley.”

He lowers himself so we can see each other. “No. We need to work together.”

I scoff. “You should have thought about that before being such a dick.”

One of his hands slams against the window, getting my full attention. “I’m sorry, Kenzie.”

I glare at him and back up a little further. “For what?”

He sighs. “You’re really going to make me do this?”

I smile. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”

He shifts and settles himself onto one knee. I don’t know if the move is purposeful or just because he’s tired of crouching, but I like seeing him on this lower level.

My foot stays on the brake, and I meet his heated eyes while he speaks through the window. “I’m sorry for treating you with disrespect at my house. I’m sorry for being angry that you showed up at Resolutions. I’m sorry for not helping you these past two weeks and for acting like a child.”

My fingers drum over the steering wheel. I wanted to hate his apology, but it wasn’t terrible. In fact, I kind of liked it.

Still, he needs to pay a little more.

I begin to roll the window down and smile. He relaxes and leans back on his feet, just far enough away that I can keep reversing the car.

“Goodbye, Bentley,” I say, then back out of the space and put my window back up as I go.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me?” he snarls.

I put the car in drive and grin widely as I wave goodbye.

Let him stew on that for a bit.