Page 61 of Rearranged

Chapter 22

“Good morning,” I murmured to Marco as I blinked awake. “How’d you sleep?”

Marco was reading on his phone. He smiled, leaning over to give me a kiss. “Best sleep I’ve had in years.”

I stretched. “Me, too.”

“I sleep more soundly now than I did when I was a kid.”

“I bet you didn’t snore as much back then.” I giggled as I slid out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.

“I’m not the only one,” Marco called. “But your snore is cute.”

“How would you know?” I peeked around the corner. “You were sound asleep, remember?” I adored our banter.

We’d been spending most of our time together for the last few weeks, including all of our nights. Things were amazing between us.

Once I was finished in the bathroom, I threw on my robe, which had been hanging on the back of his door. I found Marco in the kitchen, making eggs. I went to the refrigerator and got out the pineapple we’d cut up yesterday.

“What’s on your agenda today?” Marco asked.

“It’s Yasmine’s birthday. We’re all meeting tonight at Giovanni’s to celebrate. Matt’s moving up here at the end of the month. She’s over the moon. As far as my workday, I think I’ll stop by the shop before I head home to catch up on some of the accounting work I’ve put off. We should be fully on track to open as planned. I can’t believe it’s almost here. It’s so exciting.” We’d been working hard to make our deadline, and everything was coming together perfectly. We’d secured deals with three wholesale flower companies that would deliver fresh flowers to the shop daily. We had customers coming to knock on the door, hoping we were already open. We’d ended up putting a big sign in the window, inviting everybody to our grand opening, scheduled to happen in six weeks.

He mixed the eggs around in the pan. “I’ll head over to the shop with you, then drop you off at home before I head to work.”

“That’ll make you late to your day job.” I glanced at the clock. “It’s already eight thirty.” Most mornings, Marco insisted on driving me home. It was sweet.

“It’s fine. I have a late dinner meeting with a client, so I don’t have to be at work until ten.”

I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, laying my cheek against his back. He took the eggs off the stove and set down the spatula. Slowly, he turned and lifted me onto the counter, parting my robe and grinning. “Let’s use this extra time wisely, shall we?”

“Mmmm, that sounds like a really great plan.” My head lolled back as he tongued a nipple. The granite was cool against my thighs. Marco parted them, stroking me in languid circles as he dropped his plaid pajama pants to the floor.

I was panting in three seconds flat.

He entered me swiftly, at my urging, his pace ramping up to jackhammer immediately, just the way I liked it. He looped his arms underneath my knees, pulling me closer. I leaned back, my hands knocking into the plates.

Neither of us noticed.

I’d started an intrauterine contraceptive last week, which had been uncomfortable at first, but was glorious now.

We were making up for lost time.

Marco, true to his words, had learned all my pleasure points like he’d been competing in the Sex Olympics.

My fingers raked through his hair, urging him on. He adjusted my body, scooting me forward slightly, angling me back with gentle pressure, hitting me in the absolute perfect spot.

I called out, my grip on him intensifying, holding on for dear life. I began to rock my hips, a signal that I was getting close. He groaned.

“Almost,” I moaned. “Yes… Right—”

We came together. He locked himself deep inside, allowing me to enjoy the pressure as I spasmed against his rock-hard body.

Sex with him was so satisfying.

My entire body glistened with sweat.

I’d never known sex could be this good with someone else. Everything had come together for us—love, lust, sexiness, friendship, and passion. The way Marco looked at me during our interludes was nothing short of smoldering. His intensity lit me on fire like no one else ever had. The quality and quantity of my orgasms were charting new territory, and it was delectable.