Page 62 of Rearranged

He scooped me off the counter. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms linked around his neck as he walked us straight into the bathroom. “Your delicious eggs are going to be cold by the time we get back out there,” I warned.

“I’ll make more.” He set me in the shower, giving me a sweet kiss as he turned on the water. This man was beyond thoughtful. He was my dream. I felt safe and amazing with him.

Life didn’t get much better than this.

At least not for me.


“Then Marco said…”

“Nope. No, no, no,” Poppy ordered, waving her hands. “I will hear no more. Get the ‘Marco is a godlike creature who pleasures me to no end and who can do no wrong’ expression off your face. We will be having none of that here tonight.” She slashed her hand through the air. “You’ve reached your quota for the month already.”

I laughed. “He is a godlike creature who pleasures me to no end and can do no wrong. What can I say? The man is a walking miracle.” I winked.

Poppy mock-rolled her eyes, then giggled. “Okay, it’s noted. Marco and his magic penis are magical. How’s his mom doing?”

“Really well,” I said. “The new drug is really helping. We went shopping together last weekend, and she barely needed to take a break. Last round of chemo is this week. She’s making her famous tagine tonight. I’m actually thinking of selling her individually wrapped baklava at the shop. I’m looking into a food license and what it would take. We wouldn’t have it all the time, but when she’s up for making a few batches, it would be such a treat for the customers and a nice bit of money in her pocket. It is honestly the best food I’ve ever had. Like, ever.”

“That’s what you keep saying,” Poppy groused. “But then you never have any when I come over.”

I laughed. “She always sends us home with some, but it’s too good not to eat with my coffee in the morning. I promise I’ll save you some next time.”

“You better,” she said. “I’m so excited that everything is going well with them.”

“Me, too,” I said. “And get this, once Matt moves here, the four of us are going over for dinner once a month. They’re really excited to meet Matt, and I know they miss Yasmine, even if they don’t tell me directly. She’s like a daughter to them, and I want to make sure she feels welcome in their lives, especially since her parents are so far away.”

“This is definitely a fairy-tale ending for all of you,” Poppy commented. “And you guys deserve it.”

Summer and Jenny came through the door of Giovanni’s together, both carrying gifts for Yasmine. We waved. Once they were seated, Summer asked, “Where’s the birthday girl?”

“And what’s the big surprise?” Jenny asked. “I’m literally dying. Matt sounds like such an incredible sweetheart. I can’t wait to meet him. Yasmine’s going to be floored when she finds out he set something special up for her.”

“First of all,” Poppy started, “Annabel can’t make it. She’s out with Stephanie. Some work thing Stephanie asked her to go to. It’s the first time my sister is meeting Stephanie’s work friends. She’s nervous, but excited.”

Annabel’s relationship was progressing quickly. Poppy had met Stephanie, but we hadn’t yet. We were planning on seeing them this weekend. I was looking forward to it. Poppy had raved about her for thirty minutes straight last week, going on and on about her incredibly beautiful eyes. Poppy had a thing about looking into someone’s soul through their eyes, and she adored what she’d seen in Stephanie’s.

“Second, the gift isn’t something physical,” Poppy continued. “It’s an experience. Once we’re finished with dinner here, we’re relocating to the Manning Theater.”

“The small place where we used to see cheap movies when we were in college?” I asked.

“Yep, the very place. Apparently, Matt put together a video clip of their memories way back when, and we’re all going to go watch it. He has a friend who’s a tech genius, and that theater lets you rent space for cheap. Who knew?”

Jenny clapped a hand over her heart. “Oh, that sounds ridiculously sweet!”

Poppy nodded. “So yummy. She’s going to be totally surprised. She’s told me that Matt’s not overly sentimental, but this is crazy sentimental if you ask me.” Poppy leaned forward, addressing Summer and Jenny. “And you’re not going to believe what this guy looks like. I know we’ve tried to describe him”—she motioned between the two of us—“but young Jack Reacher is a hunk of a man.”

“Ooh, I’m up for seeing hunky men on the big screen,” Jenny said. “Even if they’re in a committed relationship and I prefer a man with glasses and a scalpel. Mixing it up never hurts.”

The server brought over a pitcher of beer and some glasses. Jenny got busy pouring.

“When Yasmine comes in,” Poppy said, “we break out into song. Agreed?”

We all nodded as we took sips of our drinks.

“Hey.” I elbowed Poppy while nodding toward the kitchen, which was open. We could see the people making food. “Isn’t that Rafael? He keeps looking over here. He’s practically salivating over you, and he’s kind of cute. Cuter than I remember.” He resembled Zac Efron a little if I squinted, though more Italian and with slicked-back hair.

“Yeah, Italian Fabio has always had a thing for you,” Jenny told Poppy, glancing over her shoulder to take a look.