Though keeping my hands off of her, and finding ways to keep my mind from going to where my body wanted to go was not an easy task. I would do it for Hope. I would do anything for her, even if it meant I would have some difficult evenings at home and wake up as I had most mornings of late, having dreamt of her.

“Thank you for walking me home,” Hope said when we got to her apartment.

“My pleasure. Are you okay getting up to your apartment?”

It wasn’t the most gentlemanly thing to say or do but I knew it would be impossible to be in her apartment and not try to kiss her again. Kissing would lead to other things. It was safest, all things considered, if I didn’t even go up with her.

“Probably, but what would you do if I said no?”

“I would take you up to your apartment, make sure you got in all right and leave. Like a gentleman should at the end of a first date.”

“Okay, then would you be so kind as to escort me up to my apartment?”

I gave her a half-hearted smile and tried to hide my disappointment. I offered to take her up to her apartment, never thinking she would take me up on it. Now that she had, I wasn’t going to tell her I couldn’t, no matter how hard it would be to not kiss her when we got there.

“Of course,” I replied.

Part of me was disappointed that she didn’t try to object to my chivalrous intentions, even if that was exactly what I needed to be doing.

“So, have I convinced you to go on another date with me?” I asked as we got in the elevator.

“Hmmm,” she said slowly. “I think that can be arranged. You did, after all, give me one of the best dates of my life, first or otherwise.”

“On the one hand, I’m so glad to hear that, on the other, I’m worried that I’ve set the bar so high that you’ll expect this for every date.”

“As long as I’m with you, I have a feeling every date will be wonderful.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” I said.

We stepped off the elevator and I followed Hope down the hallway to her apartment. I tried not to look at her perfectly shaped ass and took deep breaths to calm my raging body as she stopped in front of her door.

“Safe and sound,” I said.

“Thank you,” she said and then went and opened up the door.

“Have a lovely rest of your evening. I’ll be in touch about another date. I wasn’t joking when I wanted to see you tomorrow. Are you really free?” I asked.

“Yes. Why don’t you come inside and we can discuss it?”

She didn’t wait for me to answer but walked inside her apartment. I had no choice but to follow her. I closed my eyes and took another deep breath telling myself, I could do this. I would do this. I would go into her apartment, make plans for the night and then leave. No problem.

I walked into Hope’s apartment to see that she had already taken off her shoes and undone her hair from the half bun she had put it in for dinner. It caused her hair to cascade down her body and her to look as sexy as I had ever seen her.

“What would you like to do tomorrow? We could go to another play? Maybe go to a museum, take a walk through the park, or go traditional with dinner and a movie.”

“Dinner and a movie sounds good. You pick the movie; I’ll pick the place to eat. Does that sound like a plan?” she asked.

“Yes. It does. I’ll see what’s playing and when and let you know.”


It slowly dawned on me that Hope didn’t need me to come into her apartment for us to figure out what we were going to do tomorrow. She certainly didn’t need me to walk her up to her apartment as she lived in about as safe an apartment as any in New York City. I started to think there might have been another reason why she had me come up to her place.

“Good. Well, then, I should let you go and head home myself,” I said.

“Don’t go. Not yet,” Hope said.

“Is something wrong?”