“No. Yes. Sort of. Um.”

I could tell that she wanted to tell me something, she needed to talk to me, but she was working up the courage. Whatever she needed to tell me, I wanted her to feel comfortable enough to do it, no matter what it was. Leaning up against the counter in the kitchen, I tried to look like I had all the time in the world when I said, “Whatever you want to tell me, you can.”

“We’ve known each other for a while, right?” she asked.

“Yes, more than a few years I would say. I’d like to think we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well in that time and even more so in the last couple of weeks.”

“So, while this might technically be our first date, we’ve gone out a few other times before. We’ve known each other and been to charity functions together for years. Maybe not as each other’s dates, but we’ve been there together, sort of.”

“I guess so. I never thought of it that way,” I admitted.

“In the time I’ve gotten to know you and especially in the last few weeks, I’ve seen one thing that’s constant about you.”

“What is that?” I asked.

“You’re a gentleman. Almost to a fault and I admire and appreciate it. It’s one of the most endearing qualities about you, but I wish just for one night, you wouldn’t.”

“Not be a gentleman?” I asked.


“I’m not following.”

“You might be the smartest man I know but at times you can be the most clueless. Though, I’m sure I’m as much to blame. I’ve never tried to seduce a man before and I’m failing miserably,” she said, blushing.

“Seduce me? Wait. What?”

Hope walked over and put her hand on my chest. “I know this might be sudden and we might be moving too fast, but I think we’ve both waited long enough to be together. Really together. So, MacKinlay, please. If you have ever cared about me, if you have ever thought about being with me, please, please, make love to me.”

Chapter 20


Mac was gentle, almost hesitant as he cupped my face in his hands and brought his lip to mine. We had kissed before, and it had been spectacular, but I could tell by how he was holding my face in his hands, how his lips softly touched mine, that he knew this was so much more than just a kiss.

Our lips had barely touched and I was on fire for him. A fire that had been slowly growing since he had come to my door. Since we had agreed to start dating. Probably from the moment I first saw him.

His lips were as soft as I remember and just as enjoyable on my lips, but I wanted more. I needed more. I would get more.

I reached my hands to his forearms and squeezed them as I moved closer to him. It caused the pressure of our lips to increase and as my mouth opened, he darted his tongue inside. I let out a soft moan and tilted my head towards him. His hands moved from my face to my hair and down my back.

He was a magnificent kisser, and my mind went blank to everything but how well his tongue moved around mine, how good his hands felt holding me, how my body came alive by his touch.

I could see that Mac was trying to be a gentleman, I could almost feel his restraint as he kissed me, that he wanted to make sure that I was okay. He wasn’t going to do anything that I didn’t want him to do, and I loved him for being so considerate, but I didn’t want those things. I wanted him to touch me, to taste me, to become one with me. I needed to show him just how much I wanted him, how much I wanted this.

My tongue danced around his as my hands moved up his forearms to his very big biceps and around his shoulders. I wanted to get as close to him as I could but to do so would require me to practically crawl on top of him. I wanted him but I didn’t want our first time to be in my living room.

Reluctantly, I dropped my mouth down from his and let out a soft sigh. Mac put his head on top of my head and did the same. Neither of us spoke for a moment. I was trying to get my mind to work again so that I could find a witty way to tell him to come with me to my bedroom, but no thoughts would form.

“I’m sorry. That was too much. I should go,” he said after a moment.

“No. Please, don’t,” I said and lifted my head to look at him.

What I saw looking back at me almost made my heart stop. Mac’s eyes were so dark with desire they were almost black. They were intent on me as he held my gaze. It was then that I knew just how affected he had been by what we were doing, probably even what we had been talking about. He had done everything he could to make sure I didn’t see it and it only made me want him more. His look did something to me, to my insides knowing that he would be worried that I would be scared or think things were going too fast. Nothing could be further from the truth.

He didn’t say anything, and I could tell he was waiting for me to speak. Looking into his eyes, feeling the intensity of his gaze, and the pressure of his hands on my arms, I found I had the courage to say what I wanted to say. What he needed me to say.

“Stay. Please. I want you to stay,” I said.