The sight of Carine with her boldly painted lips attached to her was nearly impossible to pull her gaze from, but Heidi had to put her head back and let her breath tumble out. She hadn’t intended to enjoy the torment. She’d intended to tease Carine for her morning daringness, but Carine’s enthusiasm was too enticing to write off.

I don’t have to write it off, she mused.I can reward and not punish. She’s mine.

Carine sucked so hard that she almost changed Heidi’s channels. Heidi could feel the tug down in the arches of her feet, not to mention other places.

“Put many tits in your mouth in college, Carine? Seems you’ve had some practice.”

“Probably more than you did, Mrs. Dowd.”

Heidi couldn’t argue with that. She’d had no meaningful intimacy whatsoever with any women in college and, in true late-blooming lesbian fashion, didn’t even realize until years later that other nascent queers had made passes at her. “Tell me their names,” Heidi murmured. “I’m dead curious to see what they’re all up to now.”

Carine either snorted in amusement or choked on a tit. Heidi couldn’t be sure, but either way, the vibration shook a rumble of arousal through her.

She wasn’t actually dressed right for arousal. There were too many buttons and zippers involved in her work attire.

“How do they look?” Carine asked hesitantly, lifting Heidi’s breasts for her perusal. “Has the other one been caught up?”

It was caught up in red circles with notches at the top where the cupid’s bow of Carine’s mouth had pressed.

Lipstick covered Carine’s chin and above her upper lip. She looked like a wild woman who’d devoured a weaker beast.

That did something to Heidi—something of the“get under my skirt and lick”sort, but Heidi didn’t have on a skirt. She had on pants and too many buttons and zippers.

She dropped her right hand from the hanging rod and fished her phone from her back pocket. She didn’t need a picture of Carine. She would hold the image of the wild woman in her imagination until the end of time. She opened the camera app and handed the phone to Carine. Heidi had promised, in a way. “However you’d like it.”

“Really? You’re letting me?”

“I’m trusting you to store that picture wisely. Hide it in the rest of your spank bank.”

“Can your face be in it?”

“Do what you’d like, Carine.”


“I always say what I mean. You know that.”

Straightening to her full height, Carine notched her bottom lip with her teeth. Slowly, she lifted Heidi’s hand back to the bar as though she expected Heidi to renege.

She would have to teach Carine that she wasn’t the kind of woman who took back gifts freely given.

“You’re balanced again now.”

“And you like that?” Heidi asked.

“I like the symmetry.” Carine positioned the phone vertically for the snap.

Heidi neutralized her expression.

Carine didn’t take the picture, though. She mumbled something about shadows and depth. Once more, she leaned forward and pulled the same breast into her mouth, forcefully wetting and reshaping the peak. When she let it fall again, the areola was slick, and the nipple pointed in sharp contrast to its softer twin.

She moved toward the doorway and took the picture. After a moment’s study of the screen, she lifted her gaze. “You look wicked in the shadows.”

“Shall I smile for you then, sweetheart? Or beneath you?”

Carine’s skill set was as rich and broad as any renaissance Southerner, but it did not include the mastery of her face in the bedroom. Her wide-open eyes, hot pink cheeks, and gaping barbarian priestess mouth communicated both shock and intent to comply.

Heidi laughed and let her arms down. “That’s the way it’ll be with the two of us, won’t it? No matter how long you know me, you’ll always be alarmed by what comes out of my mouth. Nothing I say should surprise you.”