Heidi took her silence as a compliment. “You did sloppy work this morning. Half a job. I tend to fire people who do half the work they’re hired to do. Now, granted, I understand you were taking a sort of misguided initiative, but if you’re going to have brass eggs, you’d better give your tasks the best possible efforts.”

“Titties on the job is…unexpected.” Carine’s throat convulsed with a swallow that seemed unusually unwieldy.

“They should be, anyway.”

“I should put these papers away so nothing happens to them.” Carine wasn’t looking at the papers.

“That’s you being good at that job. But what about this one?” Heidi gestured to the breast left unsuckled. “Still has some novelty left on it.”

With another hasty glance at her watch, Carine turned on her heel and beat out a dizzying tempo as she marched to the office.

Heidi moved with much more leisureliness to the staircase and climbed them. The window blinds in the downstairs part of the house were all completely open to let in light for visitors. She required neither light nor spectators. She wanted to go where Carine’s work wasn’t.

At the door to the second master bedroom, she read the little plaque above the lock.

Private. For staff only.

This suite is of identical dimensions to the one across the hall and has a mirror-image floor plan.

See on-site host for information.

Heidi opened the door.

The bedroom looked exactly like what Heidi would have expected from Carine: beautifully furnished but chaotic. Piles of clothing spilled from the hamper left by the bathroom door, and more garments were strewn across the bench at the foot of the bed.

Dresser drawers hung open.

Lipstick tubes were uncapped on their sides atop the vanity.

And, for some reason Heidi couldn’t surmise, the massive front-facing window had neither curtains nor blinds.

“I do clean up,” Carine said breathlessly as she eased around Heidi in the doorway. “I was in a hurry this morning after leaving your place. Had to take a shower and throw something on real quick. Don’t want you to think I’m a slob.”

“Sloppy breast work aside, I know you’re not.” Heidi shut the door.

Being careful to stay at the room’s perimeter and out of direct view of the window as she went, she walked to the closet. She didn’t care what was inside. She only cared that they were hidden from passersby.

“Come finish your job, Carine.”


“I’m a fan of efficiency. Why put off the task? You polished one. Poorly, I might add. The other should match.”

“But I’ll get lipstick all over you.”

“Fine. Maybe I’ll even let you take a picture.”

That got Carine moving with an even more urgent gusto than she’d utilized in filing Heidi’s paperwork.

She kicked off her shoes at the closet door.

Heidi backed into the cavernous space just far enough to be able to grab the twin hanging racks on either side.

Carine immediately bent. Her lips parted, and the warmth of her breath announced her intention, but she hesitated, looking from one breast to the other. “Shit, I don’t know which one I did. I was sideways.”

Heidi didn’t want to laugh. She wanted to be solemn and bossy so she could still feel like she had some semblance of control in the heady spiral Carine had tilted her into. She didn’t have the willpower to keep resisting the charm of someone who lit up beautifully every time Heidi walked into the same room. “You half-assed the left one.”

“Oh. Okay. Because I was laying on the right.” Carine drew the right one into her mouth less slyly than the stolen suckle she had in Heidi’s bed. At first, though, she was mindful of the lipstick and the rings it’d leave around Heidi’s breast. She wasn't so precious about placement when she gripped Heidi’s hips for balance and sucked the flesh beyond the areola into her mouth. She was focused on examining Heidi’s textures with the edges of her teeth and drumming the nipple with her tongue.