“I’m still trying to get used to having someone use that voice on me.”
“What voice?”
“The‘see what happens when you get home’voice.”
“Well, since you are at home for the moment, there’s no reason to wait.” Heidi took the phone from her and put it on the shelf. She didn’t bother looking at the picture. They’d only had thirty minutes, to begin with, and they’d already wasted several on preliminaries.
Heidi grasped the neck of Carine’s dress to tug her closer.
“What am I getting?” Carine murmured against Heidi’s mouth, seeking a kiss.
Heidi obliged her, but it wasn’t the sort of kiss she’d had in mind. It was what Carine wanted, though. She put all her passion into it along with a simultaneous warning for Carine to brace herself for transition. She inched Carine’s dress up so discreetly that Carine didn’t notice until Heidi dove her fingers between her thighs. Too late for Carine to clench in advance of the intrusion, Heidi’s hand met wet heat and softly budding hair.
She chuckled as she worked her knee between Carine’s legs and wedged them apart. “I guess panty lines are a concern with that dress.”
“And sweat lines, in this heat.”
“How about a different sort of heat?”
Heidi didn’t like being on her knees. Being there reminded her of things she no longer did for her own personal reasons. Still, she wasn’t so stubborn that she wouldn’t adapt by necessity. Her necessity had become having her mouth on Carine’s body. There were no benches or tables in that closet for Heidi to splay her on. She’d have to do the job vertically.
Kneeling between Carine’s feet, she balled the length of Carine’s skirt in her fist and planted the fabric into Carine’s hand. “Hold that, please.”
“Heidi, are you—”
“Am I what?” Finding Carine’s gaze beyond the jutting ledge of her breasts, Heidi parted Carine with her thumbs.
Carine made her familiar startled sound.
“Stop being surprised, Carine.” Heidi anticipated her shift and braced her, so she didn’t step out of the stance Heidi wanted her in. Returning her thumbs to the slit, Heidi looked up again, waiting.
“You’re really doing that? Rightnow?”
“I’m doing this right now. To be frank, what I daydreamed about when I was driving over was tying you to your bed and suffocate you between my thighs, but apparently, you had thirty minutes and no curtains. Too bad, really. You could have shown me the other things you practiced in college. I’d do the exact same things in the exact same ways to you so you’d know whether or not you do a good job.”
“Youarewicked. I stand by that.”
And the sounds Carine made as Heidi latched her mouth onto her were wicked. As Carine pressed down against Heidi’s probing tongue and mashing lips, Heidi spread her wider to open her grasping hole. In different circumstances, she might have teased a finger, or more, into Carine’s greedy cunt. Heidi wanted to save all of Carine’s taste for her mouth. With every whimper Carine made, Heidi drummed against her clit more. With every moan, Heidi sucked and laved. Carine was so wet that she slid against Heidi’s lips without friction, and so overwrought, apparently, that she found a rhythm of her own in stark discordance to Heidi’s.
“Fuck. Fuck.Fuck,” she whispered sharply as she arched her hips forward and back in a slick pendulum, unerringly finding Heidi’s tongue with her most private places.
If Heidi really were as wicked as Carine accused her of being, she would have backed off and forced Carine to mellow. She would have given Carine air only to tease her right back into a breath-starved rapture. Raptures were for days when they had an excess of time. With so few minutes to spare, all Heidi could promise was bliss.
She must have succeeded because Carine swore again, and her skirt fell over Heidi’s head.
Heidi heard pounding as Carine ground out a shout, and her body went rigid with the surfeit of sensation.
Heidi teased one more lick of honey from Carine’s tremulous slit and kissed her clit before rising out of the dark.
Watching the contorted grimace on Carine’s face soften, Heidi dragged her wrist across her wet lips and fixed her shirt. “That was a command performance. I thought you ought to know.”
“I don’t remember commanding, but if I stumbled upon a magic word without knowing, please tell me what it was.”
Heidi grabbed her phone, caressed Carine’s chin on the way past her out of the closet, and chuckled. “I meant I haven’t had this mouth on anyone else in ages, and I certainly don’t make a habit of getting on my knees. I hadn’t felt like anyone deserved the devotion.”
“Does that make me the sovereign ruler of Heidi’s mouth?”