She trapped Carine’s underwear halfway down her thighs, corkscrewing her grip on the elastic and tightening the waistband around her legs like a convenient lace rope.

Carine was beginning to understand how Heidi felt about her guests having clothes on in her bed. However, if Carine had the opportunity to start over, she didn’t know if she’d do anything differently. There was a reason many children had tenuous adherence to rules and expectations.

They liked the attention from being bad.

With Carine’s legs clamped tightly together, the light hair on her snatch and the small knuckle of aroused clit presented in the foreground.

Evidently, that picture was what Heidi wanted.

She didn’t tentatively set her mouth onto Carine’s after that. She didn’t gently stroke and probe the inside of Carine’s mouth with a soft and questioning tongue as though she were seeking permission. She’d already gotten her permission. If she wanted to suck the very soul free of Carine’s body, that was her prerogative unless Carine called it off.

Being in no condition to call off anything at all, Carine lay like a fossil of herself with a stiff body, cycling struggling breaths through her nose. She tried to kiss Heidi back but found that she lacked precision or coordination. Or the problem could have been that Heidi’s kissing could seem like flagellation at times when she flicked her tongue like a whip, perhaps suggesting to Carine that her pleasure wouldn’t always be comfortable.

Heidi must have decided to be a benevolent dictator. Just as Carine began to worry about how fast her heart was beating, Heidi ended the kiss and released her grip on the side of Carine’s panties.

“Sit up.” Heidi tugged the overstretched underwear the rest of the way down and flung them from Carine’s ankles.

Despite her lower body’s protests that shebe still, Carine managed to lever herself upright. The position helped her breathe more steadily, but she knew to make the most of the windfall while she could.

Then Heidi was in front of Carine again, pushing her legs father part. “Scoot forward.”

Carine wasted a moment speculating on the physics of such a movement. The corner of Heidi’s mouth had started to pinch, and Carine knew better than to experiment on the grimace’s significance. She scooted. Clumsily.

Heidi wrapped Carine’s legs around her upper thighs and nudged her shoulders down onto the bed. “More.”

“More?” Planting her hands behind her for balance, Carine gained a couple more inches between them, and then she could go no more, even if she wanted to. Even if the stars weren’t dancing in front of her face and her teeth weren’t knocking together, she couldn’t.

They were already cunt to cunt, or cunt to panties, at least.

Heidi gripped the bottom of Carine’s mangled shirt and lifted it over her head. “Now you’re in proper dress code,” she purred against Carine’s ear, evoking a whimper and a self-conscious squirm from Carine.

Carine didn’t dare glance over at the mirror. She knew how she felt and didn’t want to destroy her exhilaration by confirming precisely how she looked.

“You ever been in this position before, Carine? Hmm?”

Carine was reasonably confident the question wasn’t hypothetical. However, Heidi’s kneading of Carine’s left breast and Carine’s awareness of the smoothness of Heidi’s legs were poking holes in her vocabulary that were larger than the ones in her borrowed shirt.

“Can’t you recall, Carine?” Heidi asked in her seductress’s voice as she twisted Carine’s nipple into an aching wick of nerves. She knew what she was doing and was getting immediate feedback between Carine’s legs.

Carine was trying not to writhe and contract, but Heidi’s angle was precisely calibrated for maximum clit torture. It didn’t make sense to Carine that all the brooding seducers in gothic literature were stuffy, wealthy men. The authors had lacked imagination. It was evident to Carine that they could have cast far more methodical creatures as their anti-heroes.

Carine swallowed forcefully to silence the renewed round of whimpers queueing up in her throat. “Not quite. Closest thing was flipping from one position to the next. Got sick of being sweated on and wanted to be on top.”

“And he stayed in you while you flipped?”

“Long on cock. Short on personality.”

“And when was this?”

Carine didn’t know how the hell she was supposed to know the answer to that.

Heidi had tilted forward. With her plump lips probing the cusp of Carine’s ear and her crotch imprinting against Carine’s, Carine didn’t even know the difference between blue and the number twelve.

“Huh?” she expelled as Heidi pulled Carine's earlobe into her hot mouth and banded her arms around Carine’s torso. Heidi must have been grasping her wrists. The link she made was secure, and her hold on Carine was tight as a corset.

“I askedwhen, Carine.” Heidi drew a tight circle with her hips.

Carine’s lower lips parted even more, and she still couldn’t prevent the temporary surge of mortification—the fear of judgment about her qualities. Perhaps her skin would burn hot every single time Heidi did something to her that numerous men had done before. Everything she did seemed brand new.