“Who’d you lose your virginity to?” Heidi asked. “Someone who’s still around here?”

Carine snorted. “Oh, I’m not telling you that. You know too many of the last names around here.”

“That’s why I asked.”

They both laughed, but probably for different reasons. Carine laughed because she’d actually thought ahead of Heidi for a change. Heidi had probably laughed because she had strong opinions about the quality of the local dating pool.

Heidi’s hand, which had continued to smooth the edges of Carine’s hair, found its way lower in a single bounce.

Carine, who’d been oblivious with her eyes closed, temporarily lost her ability to breathe. It was like whenever she tried cutting the grass at her parents’ house and pushed the wrong button on the riding mower. The equipment may have had only one task, but it could be easily rendered incapable of doing it if conditions weren’t as anticipated.

“Why’d you lose thirty pounds?” Heidi asked.

She opened her eyes but couldn’t focus on anything else as Heidi traced the upper cusp of Carine’s breast. The question seemed inappropriate and out of the blue for a few seconds. But Carine was the one who’d volunteered the information. Heidi was only seeking context.

“Hadn’t finished growing yet, so I thought I needed to,” Carine said in a thick voice as she hawkishly watched the movement of Heidi’s fingers. She needed to get better about predicting Heidi’s whens and whys. “My body only agreed with me about ten of the I lost.”

“It’s good that you know what your body thought.”

What Carine’s body thought at that moment was evident from the way her nipple stiffened beneath Heidi’s palm.

Carine wouldn’t have vouched for the whereabouts of her heart. She didn’t know if the organ still resided in her chest where it was supposed to be or if it’d relocated to the north. Her skull was so loud with the pounding and the whooshes and whirs of pulsing blood. The heart sounds were practically thunderous as Heidi lowered her mouth to Carine’s neck.

When she’d been in her early twenties, Carine had taken a swing role in a Greenville production ofThe Music Man. Near the run’s end, an Influenza B outbreak ripped through the cast. For three consecutive nights, along with several less seasoned actors, she’d played multiple parts, jumping from costume to costume and personality to personality every few minutes. In Heidi’s bed, Carine’s brain was triaging information the exact same way the stage manager during those cursed performances had been. It was undercaffeinated, running on autopilot, and barking,“Just get out there and do something!”without even knowing what the something should be anymore.

“You shouldn’t be wearing clothes in my bed,” Heidi murmured against Carine’s neck. The pleasurable tickle of her breath against the tender crease made Carine’s pussy clench.

She didn’t know what it was about that particular seam of her body that always heightened her anticipation.

“You gave me this to wear,” Carine argued.

“I made my point. You shouldn’t be dressed. I wanted you to be aware, so you’ll know better the next time.”

“The next time.”

Heidi twisted Carine’s hair around her fist and lifted it off the back of Carine’s neck. Her kisses extended from beneath the ear to the nape and down to the shoulder, which she exposed with a forceful yank of the fabric. She kissed, bit, licked, and massaged in a pattern that made sense only to her.

Carine’s toes curled, and her arches cramped because she was trying to be still and allow Heidi to do her work. She was trying to subvert her constitutional weaknesses and flaws, but she couldn’t help her sensitivity. She couldn’t help that she shuddered when Heidi expanded the holes in the aged shirt to gain more access to her. She couldn’t help that her back bowed when Heidi grasped both of Carine’s breasts inside one of the enlarged holes and pushed them firmly together.

That was what being desired felt like, Carine decided. It felt like,“Yes, please”and blushing breasts and sweating palms.

One nipple, the one Heidi’s palm had stamped, protruded taller than the other. Heidi must have noticed the same as Carine because she sucked that one first. Being the efficient taskmaster that she was, she didn’t leave the other one out. Her attention to that one was presented with fingernails and the edges of teeth.

Carine’s legs fell open.

Like a lawnmower, she was a purpose-driven vehicle. Heidi hadn’t yet found a wrong button.

Please give me more today,she wished but dared not say the words aloud. Magic had limits, and she was a mortal trying desperately not to offend its masters.

Heidi slid her fingers between Carine’s lips, and Carine obeyed when the woman said, “Suck.”

She would have asked why if she’d been obeying her natural impulsivities instead of chasing the promise of sensation. The promise was captivating enough to destroy habits. She was rewarded for her silence with the prompt spearing into her cunt of two wettened fingers, followed by a third. When Heidi’s palm settled atop Carine’s mound, Carine channeled her keyed-up energy into curling her fingers into fists and not into her hips’ wriggles and writhes.

The pressure, subtle as it was, was enough to make her sheath tighten. She didn’t think Heidi’s intention was to bring Carine to a fast and hard crest. With the force of will, she steadied her body’s fast-forwarding instinct. It was trying to skip ahead to the conclusion, but the best part was always the suspenseful middle.

She concentrated not on what she felt but on what she could see. The sensual ease of Heidi’s movements was an unclassified artform Carine would give up entire days watching if she could. The way she’d positioned herself over Carine with such slow and languid grace had hidden her motives.

And though Carine had decided not to focus on sensations, the sudden withdrawal of Heidi’s fingers from Carine’s pussy spoiled her scheme. There were things she could ignore, but Heidi grasping the front of Carine’s panties wasn’t one of them. Nor was Heidi’s forceful, exposing downward yank of the undergarment.