“I didn’t ask you if I knew him,” Heidi said.

“It’s just…someone I bumped into at work.”

“You let a stranger put his mouth on you?”

“Not really a stranger. I knew his name.” His first name, anyway. Even if it hadn’t been on his name tag, Carine had certainly heard Clay calling it out enough. He’d once been one of Clay’s toys before Clay met Leah and decided no one else on the planet was worth his excellency’s cock or time.

Blessedly, Heidi unhooked the finger and leaned her palms onto the edge of the bed between Carine’s legs. “Where? At your desk? In a dark corner of a walk-in closet? On the ping-pong table out in the sunroom? You see, I’m trying to understand what would make you so very desperate.”

“It’s not hard to imagine that someone who loves fucking who hasn’t been fucking would take what she can get.”

“Did you come?”


“Why not?”

“Because the thrill wore off, and I got bored.” Carine wanted to close her legs if they were going to have a therapy session, but she didn’t think Heidi would appreciate her taking the initiative. That was all she could think before Heidi leaned in closer. Her blue eyes pinned Carine into a hypnotic torpor.

“Did you ever think of asking someone who knew what they were doing?” Heidi asked.

“I’d been telling Clay to find me exactly that for a year, and I don’t think he was motivated enough. Lately, when I’ve played at his place, I’d go knowing I’d get a guaranteed orgasm, but I could never tell if my partner really wanted to be there.”

She was talking too much, and borderline about other people’s business. She knew how to read that twitch in Heidi’s cheek, and it was a “hush” twitch.

“I’ll shut up now, but you’re right,” Carine said. “Having the parcel delivery guy lift my skirt during his lunch break was desperate and unsatisfying, and I’ll make better decisions in the future.”

“Good,” Heidi said cheerlessly, edging the heel of her palm closer to Carine’s heat. “In the future, that’s what you’ll do. As for tonight, I’ll make the decisions for you. The only input I want to hear from you isstop. Nod if you understand.”

Carine nodded. Excitement pooled in her gut and made her core quiver. She wondered what the mysterious Heidi Dowd had up her sleeve, which could be completed before a middle-aged vampire’s coffin time. She caught herself rolling her eyes mid-completion and stopped before Heidi could think the expression was directed at her. Carine had no business worrying about what they had time for. She was already close to ruin just from one inch of thumb.

Heidi had drifted to the right side of the bed. She bent, reached, and heaved something heavy-seeming from beneath.

Curious as she was by the commotion, Carine didn’t dare to move to see what Heidi was getting into, but she could hear rummaging, the crinkling of plastic, the soft plastic thuds of what sounded like small bottles being arranged, and the whirring of a zipper.

Next, Heidi opened the lower nightstand drawer. She withdrew a box of condoms, removed the top with her teeth, and dumped a strip onto the bed.

When she stood, Carine could see the short, fat dildo and a bottle of high-quality lube.

Oh shit.

The lube was going to be critical no matter where the dildo went. It was the kind of dildo most reasonable people did a few squats and runner’s stretches before trying to open wide for.

Carine would have to rely on meditative breathing and whatever cosmic sweat equity she had left to draw on, but she knew she wanted that thing inside her. Sometimes, lurid pressed all the right buttons for her.

Heidi set both down to tear off a condom square, then she grabbed all three things and returned to the foot of the bed. She ripped the packet open with her teeth and adjusted Carine’s shirt plackets again to fall where she wanted them.

The dildo glistened as though it’d been fully glazed by the lube, but it hadn’t been. If it were so covered, Carine was reasonably more certain she could take it. She’d fucked plenty of people and things she shouldn’t have in her adventurous years. Still, she doubted anything resembling grace would come into play. Knowing her luck, she’d be braying like a jackass. Saying “Stop” was out of the question, though. She was going to let Heidi plug that thing into her and try to keep her upper lip stiff and her hands to herself.

“Sometimes, I start small and work my way up,” Heidi said as she unrolled the condom onto the toy. “But that’s a treatment reserved for people who remember what I told them to bring.”

Carine bit down on her tongue. Possibly, she wasn’t tidily cut out to be a submissive. Her mouth couldn’t stay closed long enough. Even if Heidi were the most capable dominatrix on the planet, she would have a tough job breaking some of Carine’s more ground-in habits. Carine just liked the dynamics of the dom and sub relationship—the gifting of control and holding a little in store for when she needed a little more of something but couldn’t necessarily articulate what.

Heidi extended the lube bottle to her and nodded at it. “Rest your arms. You have a task to do. Whatever you put on yourself is all you’ll get, so make it enough.”

With her hand halfway to the bottle, Carine froze. There would be nothing graceful about that. Drenching herself in enough lube to allow the dildo to go in easy would be lewd and maybe even a little debasing in the way Carine sometimes liked, but she was dealing with pretty, perfect Heidi Dowd, who probably shit compostable and biodegradable pink pellets. Heidi wasn’t going to look away while Carine completed the task. She was going to watch and see how sloppily Carine took it.

Well, it’s just gonna be sloppy, then.