Damn it.

She hated being so pale and having every blush give her emotions away. Carine didn’t usually care if she showed everyone London and France, but not everyone was Heidi. Heidi actually got to touch her, so her opinion mattered.

“I didn’t ask you to wax, Carine.”

Damn it. Of all the tactical errors…

She’d just wanted to look pretty.

“If I wanted to see a bald cunt, I would have said so.”

“It was a routine appointment.” Heidi hadn’t asked for an explanation, but Carine felt like just that once, she was justified in defending herself. “The tech removed more than I asked her to. I think there was a miscommunication.”

“Are you tender?”

“No, not anymore.”

“Good. I’d like silence now, please. Nod for me, so I know you understand.”

Carine wished there was a way for her to glue her fuzz back on and erase the disappointment from Heidi’s face, but she nodded and didn’t say so.

Heidi knelt primly with her knees together and wrists dangling daintily over them.

And she stared.

She stared at Carine’s secrets—at London and France—and Carine had to endure in silence and try not to fidget.

She wondered if she could take the risk of looking down to see what Heidi was seeing. She’d have to lean forward to see past her breasts, and Heidi would categorize that as not staying still.

The anticipation wouldn’t have been so heady if she had any idea what Heidi had planned for her. She knew what Heidi had said outside the restaurant. Taking Heidi’s words at face value was usually a safe bet, but Carine had no way of knowing how long Heidi would make her wait. Heidi’s methods weren’t what Carine would call predictable. Heidi wasn’t a paint-by-numbers dominatrix.

“I’m sitting here, deliberating with myself, Carine. I’m of one mind to keep you like this all evening, so when your hips ache tomorrow, you’ll remember what you forgot to do for me. I’d like to sleep tonight, though. Preferably at my usual time.” Heidi lifted a hand to Carine’s underside. The tip of her thumb slid into Carine’s pussy.

Carine did not flinch, did not yelp, did not clench around her. She wanted to do all those things, though. Her body was simply too tightly wound for her usual reflexes to happen. Given who she was dealing with, that was probably a good thing.

Using her thumb tip as a hook, Heidi stretched Carine’s opening and stared into her eyes. “Who last kissed you here?”

No way in hell I can answer that.

“That was a direct question. You can respond to direct questions without me counseling you.”

Can, but shouldn’t.

Carine groaned uncharitably and tried to ignore the foreign entity dipping into her entryway, but she was too wound up. She was a high-strung kid at a birthday party dreading the absolutely imminent pop of a nearby latex balloon.

“I don’t feel I can be candid about that,” she ground out. “The business is only half mine.”

“Well, I want to know who last kissed you here, so I think you’d best devise a means to tell me.”

Carine gritted her teeth and resisted the powerful urge to put her head back and bear down. She had no idea what kind of magic Heidi’s thumb was doing inside her. There had to be barely an inch of the digit inside Carine’s sheath, but the invasion was enough to trigger little spasms threatening to turn into bigger ones.

“Who’s had his mouth on you, Carine?”

“You don’t know him.” Carine was getting hot, and her blood was rushing to that place.

Oh god, please don’t come just like this.

She was about to be absolutely useless, and they hadn’t even done anything yet, really. She knew for damn sure she wasn’t telling Heidi the things delivery drivers made time for when they recognized her at work.