Page 84 of The Banker

He leans over the desk, bringing his face unbearably close to me. “Don’t you worry baby, I got mine.”

He winks and I relax instantly, grateful to him for lightening the mood.

I can’t believe Chuck has gone. He’s no longer in our lives. It feels strange, as though his form is still in the room, lingering, like it has for the entire course of my career. It sounds ridiculous but, despite his treachery, I’m going to miss him.

“I wonder what they’ll do now,” Isaac ponders. “Chuck and the lucky lady.”

“He’s got enough properties to keep him going. That is, until he has to sell them to pay legal fees when I sue his ass to hell and back.”

Isaac laughs out loud and punches the air. “Awesome!”

He stares into space, thinking. Then he asks, “Do you think she’s here? On the Key? Right now?”

“It’s entirely possible. She’s been here plenty of times before. That’s how she got in, by the way. She had Chuck’s ID so you guys would have been none the wiser.”

Isaac’s eyes narrow. Those beautiful pools of darkness I’m going to miss seeing every night and every morning.

“What do you think they were planning to do? If the money had transferred like they’d expected? How would they have got off the island?”

I hadn’t even thought about that. But it takes less than a second to hit me.

“My boat. The Esmeralda. That’s why he brought it here.”

We stare at each other for a split second, then we both fly for the door.

The room has been almost entirely evacuated when we shoot through it to the corridor. I don’t let my high heels stop me as I sprint after Isaac down the stairs to the concert hall. We run down more corridors, leaving onlookers to stare as we flash past them.

“I know a shortcut,” Isaac shouts back to me, and we burst out onto a back road, one I haven’t seen before. “This way.” I run after Isaac along the sandy pathways.

My heels start to sink into the sand. “Isaac, wait!” I stop to pull the boots off my feet then fling them to the path and start running again. Isaac’s hand reaches backwards and I take it, letting me him pull me along the hidden path to the marina. With my performance exertions and Isaac’s unrelenting sessions in the gym, we are both fit and fast, and we fly along it until the boats come into view.

“It’s there!” I gasp, seeing the Esmeralda lit up in all her beautiful glory.

Isaac’s hand pushes me slightly behind him and he whips out a gun. I’m thankful my show-honed body can withstand most things, as I really don’t need my jelly-like legs to collapse. I have never seen Isaac like this and thank God I hadn’t. I would never have been so strong as to leave him lying on the villa deck after we’d had sex, to walk away. He wraps an arm around my waist and guides me forward, towards the boat that I bought, with money I earned, that I named after my beloved grandmother. His warmth and scent threaten to send me reeling but I can’t let my mind surrender; I need to focus.

There’s movement on the boat. Isaac moves us into a shadow and unwraps himself from me. His eyes burrow into mine and there’s so much indecipherable emotion behind them it makes me feel lightheaded.

“What do you want?” he whispers, his breath grazing my face.

My eyes drop to his lips and I mentally shake my head. If this is real, this chemistry, this bond we’ve built… he’ll let me return to him. I flick my eyes upwards again.

“I want my boat back.”