Page 85 of The Banker



I could have stoodlike that forever, one arm stretched out behind me, my gun poised to threaten the people who almost ruined her life, the other wrapped around her waist, her eyes locked on mine. But those words, that final request, filled me with resolve. If they hadn’t, the sound of Chuck’s fumbling feet on the gravel behind us, and his gruff yell to “Start the fucking boat!” would have done the trick.

I whip around to see Aurelia’s overweight, unfit ex-manager ambling along the pathway towards the marina. At the sound of Chuck’s voice, the blonde woman appears on deck. She’s dressed in a floor-length gold number with jewels glittering in her ears. We’re about three hundred yards away but the giant diamonds are visible even from this distance.

“At least she dressed for the occasion,” I mutter, grabbing Aurelia’s hand. We cut across the grass and over a few small dunes, to the main pathway, hot on Chuck’s heels.

“Just stay where you are, Chuck,” I shout.

“Chuck!” The woman screams, pointing a glittering finger in our direction.

Chuck skids to a halt and braces himself. “Get the hell away from me. You’ve got everything, Aurelia. You never even use this damn boat.”

“It doesn’t matter!” Aurelia shouts. “It doesn’t belong to you. I paid for it myself, just like I did the clothes on your back, and probably hers,” she adds, jerking her chin towards the woman.

I Look back to the boat and the woman is scrambling. “How do I work this thing?” she screeches.

Chuck spins back to face her. “Just switch on the damn engine, Joan!”

“Where is it?” She’s clambering across the deck in spiked heels of all things, wobbling frenetically.

“In the helm! Up top! It’s right there! Jesus Christ, Joan…”

“If you get on that boat, I’ll put a hole in your leg, Chuck.”

Chuck spins and bares his teeth at me. “Then you’ll go to jail.”

Man, he really doesn’t know anything.“No, I won’t,” I half-laugh. “And even if I did, I’d see you in there. You’re already going down for theft and fraud. How big of an idiot are you?”

Chuck’s lady friend stops, finally inside the helm, searching for the ignition. “Chuck?”

“Don’t listen to him,” Chuck throws back at her. “He’s talking a load of crap.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Well, that’s a little offensive,” I mutter under my breath.

“Turn on the engine, Joan!” he yells again.

“Chuck, the cops are going to be here in a couple minutes. You may as well give up now. Get your woman off the boat. They’ll want to speak to her too.”

Her head shoots up again. “What?”

I turn to her. “That boat goes anywhere with you on it, they’ll want you for theft too.”

“Chuck?” Her voice is fragile now.

“Don’t listen to him, honey. This is our last chance. The cops won’t come after us on a boat. We’re gonna start that new life remember?”

I sense he can smell her weakening and he’s throwing out whatever he can to persuade her. Just turn the key, Joan, and we can be out of here.” He throws his arms up in desperation. “Just do it, for fuck’s sake.”

She grabs onto the boat’s windshield for stability and leans further into the helm.

“Haven’t you done enough?” Aurelia yells, to both of them, halting the woman in her tracks. “You’ve come into our lives under false pretenses, you’ve duped my mother into thinking you loved her, for crying out loud. You commandeered my entire life for nearly five years. You’ve let those two precious, beautiful girls believe you’re their father.” She faces the woman. “And you’ve put up with this? With him living a double life? All for the promise of money you’re not going to get? Do you have any self-worthat all?”

The woman freezes, her gaze flicking manically between Chuck and Aurelia.

“She’s playing you,” Chuck yells. “For the last time, Joan, start the fucking boat. Otherwise…” I can see him mentally grasping for anything he can use to convince her. “Otherwise, the boys will grow up without a father.”