Page 83 of The Banker

“Yeah,” I say, simply.

“What can I do?” he asks, after a minute of intense silence has passed. I’m pretty sure there is commotion outside but Starling has had state-of-the-art sound-proofing built into the walls of this office so it is deathly quiet inside.

“It’s all done,” I reply.

“Well, yeah, I can see that. I mean, is there anything I can do for you? Do you have people helping you?”

“Yes. My grandmother’s lawyer and Randy, the private detective you met briefly.”

“The guy in the jacket? Who hadn’t washed for a week? He was a private detective?”

I can’t stop a grin forming. “Yeah, that was him.”

A minute passes.

“That was phenomenal,” he says, quietly. “You’re phenomenal.”

“Thanks.” My voice is a whisper.

“How did you…? When did you…? How?”

I sigh heavily and pull out one of the chairs, sinking into it. I’ve been on my feet for hours and the soft leather cushioning makes me want to never get up again.

“It was when he banned me from seeing my friends,” I say, shrugging. “Back in Miami, just before the residency started. I knew something didn’t feel right, but I also knew I was too close to him, to my mother. I was with them a lot. Even if they didn’t pay me much attention, they were always near, you know? They always seemed to be in my business. I needed space. And that’s where you came in.”

I can’t meet his eyes.

“What do you mean?”

“You told me you were ex-CIA. I figured I might be able to use that.”

“Right.” Isaac shifts uncomfortably, while I try not to look up at his incredible form all decked up in the sexiest suit. And Iknowhe’s packing beneath it. For me. Which makes me feel all kinds of things I shouldn’t. “The stalker note…” he says. “If that woman wasn’t behind it, like I thought…” He turns his head and gives me a sidelong scrutinizing stare. “Then, who…?”

“It was me,” I say, giving the answer he fully expects. “I faked it. I knew you’d move me here, out of Miami. I knew it would give me the space I needed. And the opportunity to ask for your help.”

“But, you didn’t ask, I offered…” Isaac says, frowning.

“Yeah, you did,” I agree. “After I told you about the suspicions I already had at that point.”

I can see the cogs turning behind Isaac’s eyes. “And you saw something in the bank statements?”

“Yes. I saw money being funneled out to unknown accounts. They turned out to be his andhers. I saw huge transactions for properties he paid cash for. I found out exactly who and what was on our payroll, then I was able to quickly identify any anomalies. But I needed more proof.”

“So you asked me for passwords.”

“Yes. And that’s when I discovered Chuck’s plans to sell the rights to my music so he could run away with his other family and start a new life in the Caribbean. It was all in the emails.”

“He was really so stupid as to not protect any of this stuff?”

“He figured I was too young and naïve to know any better,” I shrug again.

“Man,” Isaac breathes out. “More fool him.”

“You’re not mad at me?”

“Why would I be mad at you?” Isaac replies, surprised.

“I lied to you. I used you for information.”