Page 175 of Vegas Duology



There wasno way I could say no to a request like that.I felt as if I’d already been waiting far too long to have Lexi as my wife and after the fear of the morning and thinking we may have lost Ben, nothing could keep me from waiting any longer to make it official.

After Lexi made her announcement, Roxanne declared that she had “the perfect dress” and Keith said he would find a minister or justice of the peace or anyone else who could perform the ceremony, which we didn’t think would be too much of a problem given our location.Everyone hopped into action, happy to have something positive to do to distract them from the stress of the morning.Pretty soon people were yelling, making lists and arranging a car to take Lexi and I to get the marriage license we’d overlooked in our quickie attempt at a ceremony the other night.Lexi was at the center of it all, laughing, smiling, and looking every bit the radiant bride.

I stood and watched her for a few moments, in awe at the resilience and flexibility of the amazing woman in front of me.She’d always been the perfect blend of strength and softness.Without putting too fine a point on it, she was incredible.Everything I’d ever wanted.And in a few hours, she’d finally be legally mine.I crossed the room to her and extended my hand to her.“Can I borrow you for a second?”

She smiled up at me, her nose crinkling just a little.“Of course.”She allowed me to take her out to the lobby area where the very small staff we had was hard at work setting up for the ceremony.“Is everything okay?”she asked when we were alone by the picture window, looking out to the storm that had started to fade out.

“Everything’s fine.”I kissed her on the nose.“I just wanted to check in with you.”

She laughed.It had been awhile since I’d seen her so carefree and happy.Which was why it was going to be hard to ask the question I wasn’t sure I wanted the answer to.But I knew it was the right thing to do.“I just wanted to make sure that you’re sure about all of this.”

“Of course I am.”She laughed.“Why wouldn’t I be?”The smile melted off her face.“Are you sure?You’re not having second thoughts, are you?”

“Of course not,” I said quickly.“Lexi, I’ve been committed to you for years—that’s not going to change.With or without a ceremony.”I squeezed her hand in mine.“What I meant was, are you sure you want to get married without your friends here?Without Nicole or Enid?”

It was a question that had pricked at me from the moment she’d announced her desire to get married right away.After Uncle Ray passed, Lexi had been left without family: Her parents had died when she was just a girl.Her first husband, Andrew, had disappeared from their lives when the truth came out that Ben was my son and not his the way everyone had pretended.As far as Lexi’s family went, Ben and I were it.Except for her best friends.They should be next to her on her wedding day.

Her eyes welled up with tears and she swiped at them before she shook her head.“Nicole can’t travel right now.She’s going to have a baby any day.Besides, she’ll just be so happy to hear that we’re finally doing it and will make suitable godparents after all.”She smiled.“And Enid wouldn’t be able to leave the store on such short notice.”She shook her head again.“No.They’ll understand.Besides, remember what we did for Nicole’s wedding, with the camera and the computer?”

I nodded.I remembered.We’d hooked up a Skype-type of chat so Nicole’s mom could watch her get married despite the fact that she was back in Canada and the wedding was in Vegas.“We could absolutely do that,” I said.“As long as you’re okay with it.”

“I’m more than okay with it.”Her grin told me everything I needed to know.“I just want to marry you and finally be your wife.And I really don’t want to wait even one more day before that happens.”

“I’ll make it happen.”

“Good.”She gave me a quick kiss and pushed me away playfully.“Now get out of here.You’re not supposed to see the bride before the wedding.It’s bad luck.”

“Okay, okay.”I reluctantly let go of her, but before I left, I said, “But, there is nothing that will ruin this day.Nothing.”


The afternoon had been a whirlwind of making plans and finalizing last-minute arrangements, but everything had fallen into place.Even the weather had decided to cooperate.It was still cool but the sun was out and the wind had died down, bringing a beautiful evening and a sky full of stars.

For the second day in a row, I found myself in Roxanne’s room while she curled and pinned up my hair into a beautiful twist before she turned her attentions to my makeup.“Light on the eye shadow, okay?”I had experience with friends trying to alter my appearance in the past.Particularly with Nicole dressing me up in tight, short dresses and trying to turn me into something I wasn’t.

“Don’t worry about a thing,” Roxanne cooed and grabbed another brush.“I’m only going to accent your gorgeousness.You will be the most beautiful bride anyone has ever seen.”

I believed her, but it didn’t mean I wasn’t a little bit nervous.Although, I couldn’t figure out why I’d be nervous to marry Leo.


I know I’d said it was fine not to have Nicole there for the ceremony, but I couldn’t help feel a twinge of regret that she wasn’t there to hold my hand and support me.Not that I had anything to need support for.Not really.But still, there was something about your wedding day that made you yearn for your best friend.

Abba’s “Dancing Queen” filled the room and I immediately broke into a smile.“Can you pass me my phone?That’s Nicole.”

Roxanne laughed but handed me my cell.“Your best friend has Abba as a ringtone?”

“If you knew Nicole, it would make total sense.”I answered the call.“Nic!I’m so glad you called.”I’d already spoken with her once to let her know about the wedding and make the arrangements for the video call so she could watch the ceremony, but despite that, it was good to hear her voice.

“Of course I called,” she said through the line.“It’s your wedding day.And if I can’t be there in person, I’m damn well going to be with you over the phone as much as I can.Now what’s going on?Is your hair done yet?What about makeup?”

I blinked hard to hold back the tears that suddenly sprang up.“My hair’s done,” I managed.

“Don’t you cry,” Roxanne warned, pointing an eye shadow brush at me.“I’m almost done with your eyes.”