“Are you crying?”
I shook my head in answer to Nicole’s question and then quickly said, “No.Well, not really.I’m just so emotional.”
“Of course you are,” Roxanne said.“Your hormones are going crazy.”
“Hormones?What hormones?”Nicole’s voice went up an octave.“I have hormones!But that’s because I’m pregnant.Pregnant women have—wait.”
I waited.
When Nicole spoke again, her voice was eerily calm.“Why do you have hormones, Lexi?”
I smiled and winked at Roxanne before I answered her.“I was going to wait until after your baby was born,” I said.“But I’m pregnant.”
There was silence on the other end and I knew exactly what Nicole was thinking.She was thinking of the other pregnancies and how they ended in sadness.
“It’s okay, Nic.The doctor said I should be past the danger zone with this one.And I feel great but my belly is growing at an incredible rate, so that has to be a good sign, right?”
She was silent for another moment.“You’re sure?I mean, you know I’m excited for you, but...”
“You’re worried,” I finished for her.“I know.I was, too.But this time is different.We haven’t had an ultrasound yet, but I just know everything is okay.Nicole, I just know it.”
I waited and finally got the response I was looking for.Nicole whooped and hollered into the phone; her voice rang loud and clear across the line.“Lexi, that’s fantastic!I’m so excited for you.Our babies will be the same age.They can grow up together and—well, even if you’re in Vegas and we’re here.More reasons to have lots of visits, right?”
“Right.”The stupid hormonal tears sprang into my eyes again.I did my best to dab at them before Roxanne could see, but it was no use; she noticed and was on top of me with a cotton ball and a fresh swipe of makeup.
“Why don’t we put her on FaceTime so I can get back to work?”
“Yes,” Nicole agreed.“Do that.I want to pretend I’m there.Besides, I have to make sure you’re putting enough eye shadow on.You know that Lexi’s eyes pop when you use a green shadow?”
I shook my head in horror at Roxanne, but she only laughed and took the phone from my hand to prop it up on the table.When Nicole’s face appeared on the screen, I smiled and blew her a kiss.For better or for worse, my best friend was there.Everything was going to be perfect.
I had to hand it to Keith.He’d really pulled things together.The lobby of the Oasis had been totally transformed.Flowers were on every available surface and candles flickered all around me, lighting up the space with a romantic, intimate glow.Beautiful music floated through the room from some hidden speakers and instead of chairs, our very few guests and witnesses stood in a semi-circle around the altar area where I waited with the justice of the peace for my bride.
The day had been a whirlwind but I’d never felt so calm and at peace than that moment.When the music changed and everyone turned to look, my heart leapt a little, but only because I couldn’t wait to actually make Lexi my wife.The small crowd parted, revealing the most amazing sight I’d ever seen.Ben, dressed handsomely in black dress pants and a blue dress shirt, stood tall and proud with the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen on his arm.His mother.
I always thought Lexi was gorgeous, but dressed in a pale cream floor-length dress made of some sort of flowy fabric that hugged her breasts and floated over the rest of her luscious body, she was beyond stunning.Her hair was once again piled on top of her head, with strands trailing to her bare shoulders.
My breath was in my throat as she approached me.“Hey,” she whispered.
“Hey yourself.”
I looked down to Ben, who stood between us, his back straight, his hand trembling as he reached out to give me his mother’s hand.“Thank you, buddy.You did a great job.”
“Keith said it’s my job to give her away.”Ben’s lower lip trembled, but he swallowed hard.“But I can’t give her away because she’s already ours.So I’m bringing her to you so we can all be an official family.”
I shook my head in wonderment.When had he grown up so much?“Absolutely, Ben.We’ve always been a family, but it’s way past time to make this official.”I bent down and whispered in his ear.“I’m so proud of you.”
Ben nodded and I took Lexi’s hand from his before he took a half step back.
We’d both agreed on a short ceremony.Neither of us wanted or needed anything fancy and although we’d wanted to include Ben in the vows, he’d begged off the way an pre-teen boy was apt to do.A wish we both respected.
I didn’t hear most of what the justice of the peace said; I was too busy staring at my bride.When he paused in his speech and Lexi turned to look at me with a question in her eyes, I realized I’d missed my cue.A blunder I recovered quickly from as I turned and took both her hands in mine.I hadn’t bothered to write anything out for the occasion; there hadn’t been time.Besides, everything I needed to say was already in my heart.
“Lexi, our path hasn’t always been a straight one,” I began.“But everything on our journey has led us to where we are right now and I can’t imagine having done it any other way.Today, I choose you to be my partner for the rest of my life.To love and support and stand by you through whatever else life has to throw at us.I’ve never felt a love deeper or purer than the love I feel for you and Ben.You complete me in every way.”I reached into my pocket for the ring.I slid the simple band from the chapel onto her finger.
A single tear slipped down her cheek and I reached out to catch it, wiping it away gently.