Ben was up early,which made me happy that I'd insisted Leo didn't spend the night.It had taken all the willpower I had to let him leave my bed, but I had to think of Ben.We needed to handle the situation carefully.When I came out of my room, Ben was already outside, still in his pajamas, throwing rocks in the water.He was determined to master the art of skipping rocks but wasn't having much success.He threw stone after stone, and each one made a splash before sinking to the bottom.I'd have to show him the tricks Uncle Ray had taught me.
I poured a cup of coffee and started to make my way outside to the deck when a flash caught my eye.The vase.My vase.
I couldn't bear to throw away the broken vase that was my parents'.I had so little of theirs.Instead, I'd put the pieces in a box and brought them with us, intending to attempt a repair job.But it looked like someone had beaten me to it.
I looked closer.The pieces were held together with what looked like a combination of Scotch tape and white glue.
Tears filled my eyes and I looked out at my son who was still doggedly throwing rocks into the lake.He must have fixed it this morning before going outside.And the flowers.A mixture of clover and dandelions.His favorite.
I pushed the screen open and stood on the deck, watching.Holding my coffee mug, the heat of the liquid warmed my hand.
"Hey, Mom," Ben called, "watch this."He wound up in a side pitch and hurled a rock into the water where it landed with a loud splash.
He turned back to the house and shrugged.
I waved and he continued his search for the perfect skipping stone.
"Ben," I called."Come inside and get changed.I need to have a shower."
"Okay, Mom.Just one more."He wound up, just as he had before, and flung the rock out from his side.This time it skimmed the water's surface, once, twice, before submerging.
Ben whirled around."Did you see that?"
I laughed at his wonderment."I did, buddy.That was awesome."
He ran up the lawn and into my arms."I did it!"
"You did.Now come and get changed and after I get dressed, you can try again."
Ben was outside again as soon as he changed and wolfed down breakfast.When the phone rang, I stood at the kitchen window and spoke to the elementary school principal, Mr.Henderson, as I watched Ben skip rock after rock.
"I knew your Uncle Ray," Mr.Henderson said."We fished together sometimes over the years.He was a good man.I'm sorry to hear about his passing."
"Thank you.He loved it here," I said."It'll be nice for Ben and me to be here."
"So, you are staying?Can I convince you to come work at the school then?"
"Well, I'll need a job.But don't you need to see some references?I can get you a list, but I don't know—"
"I'll be honest with you, Lexi," he said."I'm in a bit of a tough spot here and if you're ready to work...well, knowing your uncle, I think that's all the reference I need right now.Of course, you'll have to come in and fill out some paperwork."
"Of course."I tried to maintain a level of professionalism but on the inside, I wanted to scream.Everything was working out.
I finished my call with Mr.Henderson and glanced at my watch as I made my way out to the porch.Leo should have already been here by now.He said he'd come over right after breakfast.It was almost eleven.Before my mind could create a dozen worst-case scenarios, I heard the crunching of tires on gravel and a few moments later, Leo appeared around the corner of the house.
My face split into a grin at the sight of him.
"Good morning," he said.
"Almost lunchtime, actually."
"I'm sorry about that.I had something very important to take care of," he said as he took the steps up to the deck two at a time.