Page 127 of Vegas Duology

"Is that so?"I teased.

He leaned in to kiss me and as much as my body longed for the touch of him, I pulled away.I gestured with my head towards the lake.And Ben.

Leo turned and watched his son for a few minutes."May I?"

"Of course.Just let me introduce you, okay?"

Leo nodded and I called to Ben, who came running up the lawn.He slowed when he saw we had a visitor.

"Ben, I want you to meet someone very important.This is...Leo."

Leo stuck his hand out."It's very nice to meet you, Ben.Your mom has told me quite a bit about you."

Ben looked at the hand but shied away.

"It's okay.Leo's a friend," I said.

Ben still didn't take Leo's hand but fixed his gaze on him.Leo must have noticed the staring as well because he withdrew his hand and said, "I hope you don't mind, Ben, but I saw something at the store today and I thought you might like it."

The expression on Ben's face shifted.He could never turn down a gift.

Leo looked at me for approval and I nodded.

"I'll be right back," Leo said."Wait here."

Ben didn't move so Leo ran down the steps and disappeared around the corner.

I took the opportunity."Are you okay?I told you, Leo's a friend."

"I know," he said."He looks kinda—"

Ben didn't finish because in the next instant he was running, jumping off the stairs and hurtling towards Leo, who had reappeared holding a squirming golden retriever puppy.

"A puppy!"

"I saw this little guy and there was just something about him.I thought he looked like he needed a little boy to take care of him," Leo said.He put the puppy down on the grass and Ben sat down, letting the dog climb all over him, licking his face.

"Thank you," Ben said between the puppy's licks."This is awesome."Then remembering something, Ben looked up towards me and said, "Can I keep him, Mom?Please?"

I did say I'd think about a dog and looking at Leo, who was now sitting on the grass across from Ben, the smiles on their faces identical, how could I say no?"Of course you can keep him."

Ben squealed and the puppy leapt up at his face, covering it with doggie kisses.He giggled and fell to the ground.Leo winked at me, and I knew I'd made the right choice.

I spent the rest of the morning watching Ben and Leo playing with the puppy.I struggled to keep my emotions at bay.It was a lot to take in all at once, having them together for the first time.The last thing I needed to do was to start crying; that would just upset Ben and confuse him.I tried to focus on the dog instead, and had to admit he was adorable.

Ben couldn't decide on a name for him, so for now we just referred to him as "dog."It didn't matter, because he didn't come when he was called anyway.After a few games of fetch, where Ben did most of the fetching, both boy and dog crashed at the same time.

"How about some lunch?"I suggested."We can find a warm place for the puppy to sleep and once he's rested, he'll be ready to play again."

"Can I show Leo the kayak after lunch?"Ben asked as he followed me inside.Leo trailed, carrying the puppy that had already fallen asleep.

"I've never been kayaking," Leo said.

"What?It's so cool."

"First," I said, "you eat.Go wash your hands.I'll make sandwiches."

Ben disappeared down the hallway and Leo put the sleeping dog on an old towel I'd laid out by the fireplace.