Page 74 of Vegas Duology

"I am," he said."Vegas has been very good to me in a time when a lot of people haven't done well.Lady Luck must be on my side."

"I have a feeling it's more than luck," I said.I remembered what a hard worker he was all those years ago.I could only imagine that his work ethic would have multiplied.

Leo shrugged and took a croissant from the platter.The pastry flaked as he tore it apart."Maybe it's a bit of both," he said.

We looked at each other for a moment, both of us trying to assess the other.What do you say to an ex-lover after six years?

After a minute I asked, "Are you happy?"I couldn't help but look at the ring on his left hand.

He saw my glance drift down and answered the question I really wanted to ask."I only wear the ring to present a certain image.I'm not married."

"An image?"

"There are times when some of the female guests take a bit more interest in me than they should," he said."The ring helps keep them at bay.Sometimes."

"It's a pretty nice ring for a fake."I grabbed a strawberry and popped it in my mouth.

"I was married."

The burn of jealousy flared up inside.It was ridiculous and unreasonable, but it was real.It was stupid to think he wouldn't have moved on.I could tell myself that we didn't mean anything to each other, but we did and the fact that we were sitting here now confirmed it.

I swallowed the strawberry hard."Was?"

"It didn't work out," he said and held my gaze.His eyes were every bit as dark as they had been six years ago.Only now they were framed by lines etched into his skin.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"I'm not.She wasn't you."

My heart seized.Did he just say that?I took a sip of coffee, keeping my eyes averted.

"Lexi?"Leo's voice was soft.

I looked up but the expression on his face was so full of pain and raw emotion that my first instinct was to look away again.

But I didn't.I matched the intensity in his eyes and didn't break his stare.

"I'm sorry," he said after a moment.He shook his head as if he'd been in a trance."I shouldn't have said that."


"No, I shouldn't have said it?"he asked."Or, no, I should have?"

"I don't know," I admitted.

His smile was so sweet, so genuine, it broke my heart.

He reached across the table and took my hands in his, and just as it had the night before, his touch sent a spark shooting through me."Lexi, I know that some things change with time, but some things don't."

I nodded when what I really wanted to do was jump across the table and into the arms of the only man who'd ever lit me up.

"You're married," he continued."He seems like...a good man."Leo swallowed hard.

The mention of Andrew brought me spilling down to reality.What was I doing?I shouldn't be sitting here talking this way with another man.Letting another man hold my hands this way.Letting another man make me feel the way I was feeling.I jerked my hands away and instantly regretted it."He's not usually like that," I said.I busied myself, adjusting my ponytail.Anything to keep from reaching for him again."Andrew doesn't really drink much; he's...Thank you for breakfast," I said and pushed up from the chair.

Leo jumped up and caught my arm."Please, you don't have to—"

"I do," I said and then softened my voice."I should go, Leo."