He reached out with his other hand and cupped my cheek.I couldn't help it; I closed my eyes and sank into his touch.The feel of his thumb stroking my skin made me want to cry because despite the time between us, despite the separate lives we'd lived, this man knew me.He knew me in ways no one else could, or I feared, ever would.And he needed to know the truth.Slowly, I reached up and covered his hand with my own.
"Leo, I—"
"Leo!"The sharp voice broke the stillness of the moment and I jerked back, away from him.A tall brunette, Roberta—I recognized her from Nicole's wedding meeting yesterday—was approaching us at an incredible speed.Incredible because of the impossibly high heels she was wearing.
"I should go," I said and headed in the opposite direction before I could change my mind.
Before I slipped behind the palms, I thought I heard him say my name, but I couldn't be sure and I didn't turn around to find out.
"Lexi!"I called after her.I needed to know if we could see each other later, but she didn't hear me.Or if she did, she didn't turn around to look.
It was too late.I was too late.She was married and I was being an idiot.The best I could ever hope for from her would be friendship, and even I knew that wasn't realistic.I could never be just friends with Lexi.
"Leo."Roberta's voice snapped me back to attention."I need to talk to you."
I turned to face her and tried to keep the sadness out of my voice."So, talk."
Roberta slapped her portfolio onto the table."We have a problem.A big problem."
"You can handle anything.That's why I hired you.So handle it."
"I can't handle this," she said."Not without your help."
There was something in her voice.I put my coffee cup down and focused on her."What's going on?"
"I need you to take a wedding," Roberta said.
"Josh is doing the Lennox/Stewart wedding," I said and my eyes went to the palm trees the maid of honor had just escaped through.
"Focus, Leo," she said.There was no humor or teasing in her voice today.Roberta was pissed."Josh is a mess.There's no way I'm letting him anywhere near a wedding today."
"What are you talking about?"
"Remember that bachelor party 'emergency' he had yesterday?"I nodded and she continued."Apparently the big emergency was that his college buddy is getting married next month and the groomsmen surprised the groom by bringing him to Vegas for an impromptu party.Josh pulled out all the stops.Suite, limo, entertainment."She drew out the last word."And of course, Josh participated.I doubt he even slept.He smells like a still, he can't walk straight, and I'm sure he's still drunk.There is no way I can let him handle a wedding today.It would be a disaster."
I took a deep breath and ran my hands through my hair, which by now was dry."Sit, have a coffee."
She sat, but didn't touch the coffee.
"Look, I know it's been awhile—"
"I can do it.I used to be the best event coordinator around," I said and it was true.There was a time when I could organize and run a major conference, schedule three bachelorette parties, and orchestrate the most beautiful wedding anyone had ever seen.All in one day.But I hadn't done a wedding in at least two years.
How hard could it be?"I'll take the big one," I said.
"No way.I'm sure you could handle it and all that," she said."But I have a relationship with the bride.She's a real piece of work and will absolutely become unglued if you take over at this point.You need to do the small one."She pulled the file from her portfolio and handed it to me.
Nicole's wedding.With Lexi dressed in some stunning gown, no doubt."No."I shook my head and pushed the file back to her."I can't do this wedding."
"It's personal."
"Personal?Leggy, blond personal?"Roberta's eyes challenged me.She knew me well.We'd worked side by side for four years.The woman knew me better than I knew myself some days."I'm sorry, Leo.But whatever personal issues you have here, you have to put them aside.I know you're way too professional to let that mess up someone's special day."
She said the right thing and by the look on her face, she knew it.I wouldn't, no matter what was going on, let my personal issues screw up my career.Not again.I grabbed the file.
"Besides," she added, "it's not the blond getting married."
She was right.And it would give me a great excuse to see Lexi.
"It's all in there," Roberta said."Everything should be taken care of.It's really not too big a deal.If there was any one else...anyway, all you have to do is show up and make sure it goes smoothly."
"Right," I said as I scanned the file."Smoothly.No problem."