Page 43 of Vegas Duology

"Hello?Are you listening to me?"

Nicole was waving a hand in front of my face.

"Yes," I said, taking a chance on agreeing with whatever she'd been saying.

Nicole looked at me funny."You'll really switch me?"

"Switch you what?"I asked.

"Your clam linguine for my Alfredo," she said as she reached across the table."I just said I should probably start watching what I'm eating so I can fit into an amazing dress.I asked if you'd trade me."

I looked at her steaming plate of creamy pasta.Normally something so rich would make my stomach turn.I nodded."Of course," I said and reached for her plate."Anything for you."

Nicole gave me a strange look before plopping my bowl in front of her.I ignored my pasta and focused instead on the wine, refilling my glass and taking a healthy swallow.

"I know this is stupid," Nicole said through bites of salad, "but I thought you might be weird about going to Vegas."

"Why would you think that?"

"Oh, come on, Lex.Because know."

"No," I said, trying for nonchalance."I don't know what you're talking about.There's no reason on earth that I'd miss your wedding."

"I know," she said, suddenly serious."It's just, I thought maybe because of—"

"Don't, Nicole."My voice came out harder than I intended.I softened my tone and added, "Please."

We looked at each other for a moment.I know she could see it in my eyes.The uncertainty, the hesitation, the fear.She could see it because she knew me.And she knew the past.And she knew, in that way that only the very best friends know, when to back off.

She smiled and her face transformed back to the happy new bride she was."There's so much to do," she said and the moment was over."We need to go shopping.I need a dress."

When I got home, the lights were off and Uncle Ray was fast asleep on the couch with an afghan pulled up to his chin and his feet hanging over the edge.The television was on one of the crime shows he loved.I fished out the remote from behind a pillow and clicked it off.There was no point waking him.He looked comfortable enough.

I tiptoed past him towards the stairs.



I took two steps back and turned around as Uncle Ray pushed himself up to a sitting position.His hair was sticking out at odd angles, making him look a bit like a mad scientist.

"I'm sorry," I said."I didn't want to wake you."

"I wasn't sleeping."

I shot him a look and he smiled.

"I never sleep while I'm babysitting," he said with a stern voice."I take my duties very seriously, ma'am."He saluted me and I couldn't help but laugh."Sit, tell me about dinner.How's Nicole?"

"She sends her love," I said and sat in the overstuffed chair across from him."And, she's getting married."

"That's excellent news.To that Ryan fellow?I like him."

Uncle Ray had met Ryan exactly four times, and on each occasion he was impressed by Ryan's knowledge of music and tax loopholes."An important combination," he'd said."You can't go wrong with helping people save money and requesting a good band."

"She's very excited," I said.I grabbed the afghan that had been discarded on the floor and wrapped it around me."And she's not wasting any time.The wedding's next month."

"Well, I guess there's no point in waiting, is there?After all, she's not getting any younger."He wiggled his finger back and forth in a ticktock motion.