Page 42 of Vegas Duology

"So, have you even thought about a date yet?I mean I know this is still new, but I'm sure you've thought about it, right?"

"You know me too well."Nicole laughed."We've actually decided not to wait.I mean, it's been two years and I don't want to wait another day to be Ryan's wife."

"What does that mean?A winter wedding?"It was already the end of July, so a summer wedding would be totally out of the question.There wasn't enough time to plan anything, let alone book a venue.

"Well...not exactly."

"Spill it."

"We're getting married next month."

"Shut up."

"I'm serious.I told you, I don't want to wait."

"Nicole, be real.How are you going to take care of everything in four weeks?It's almost impossible."Visions of myself buried in a never-ending list of wedding tasks flashed through my head.

"That's just it—it'salmostimpossible.But not entirely.We're going to Vegas."

"Vegas?"Just saying the name of the city made me nauseous.I could feel the blood drain from my face.My fingers were wrapped around the stem of the wine glass and I only knew that because I could see them.I could no longer feel them.

Anywhere but Vegas.

Nicole was talking and I struggled to pick up what she was saying."…a big wedding, so Vegas seemed like the logical choice.Don't you think?Lex?Are you okay?"

I shook my head in an effort to clear it.I hadn't been back there since my first and only visit and most of the time, I tried my best not to even think of Las Vegas.Or more importantly, the man who lived there.

"Earth to Lexi?Are you okay?You look strange."

"I'm good," I managed."Just hungry.I didn't eat lunch."

"Oh, good," she said."For a minute, I thought maybe you were upset about going to Vegas."


"So you're not eloping?"

"Weren't you listening?I can't get married without my best friend.That's crazy."

"You want me to come?"I managed to regain enough feeling in my fingers to lift my glass to my mouth and take a sip of wine.

"Want you to come?Lex, Ineedyou to come."

She stared at me.I knew she was thinking I'd lost my mind.I was acting ridiculous.It was dumb and childish to ban a place, especially a popular vacation destination, from your life because of one little event that happened years ago.Except it wasn't a minor event.Leo wasn't a minor event.I tried not to, but I still thought about him.How could I not when every time I looked at Ben I saw his dark hair and tan skin?I told everyone, including myself, that it came from my mother's side of the family.It was crazy to think otherwise.

"Of course I'll be there," I heard myself say.

"Oh, thank you, Lex!"Nicole got up from her chair and gave me a hug.I felt her tiny arms squeeze me and tried my best to push away whatever irrational fears I had.It was just a city.Besides, he probably didn't even live there anymore.Even if he did, what would I do about it?He didn't need to know the truth after so long.No one did.

Moments after she released me, the waiter came with our food.I picked at my bowl of linguine.The appetite I'd had earlier vanished as memories of my first and only trip to Las Vegas flashed through my head.

The lions at the MGM.

Sitting in front of Caesars Palace.

Kissing Leo.

Feeling Leo in—