Page 125 of Vegas Duology

Didn't I?I did want to wake him.I wanted to talk to him.To see his eyes looking at me.To hear his voice.I needed to hear his voice.

There would be time for that.We would have time.

I reached out and touched his head.His hair was soft.He let out a sigh in his sleep and I withdrew my hand.

I found Lexi in the living room.She was sitting on the couch, flipping through a magazine.She looked up when I walked into the room and I took a deep breath and leaned against the wall.

"Are you okay?"she said, rising and coming to me.

I couldn't answer at first.I closed my eyes and took a few breaths."I think so."

"Was he...okay?"

My eyes flew open."Are you kidding?"I stared at her.Her green eyes that were so different from mine and from Ben's."He's perfect.Absolutely perfect."

She smiled."He is," she said.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For raising him.He's amazing."

"You don't even know him yet."

"I don't have to," I said, though I wanted to know my son more than anything else."I know he's amazing.He's yours."

"And yours," she said, and I didn't think I could get any happier than in that moment.

He's mine.I replayed the words over in my head, turning them around and trying them on for size."He's mine," I said out loud.

Lexi smiled and took my hand."It's a perfect night for a fire."She led me into the room and this time I took the time to look around.It was like a picture straight out of a magazine.The ceiling in the main room was vaulted and lined with wood panels.A fireplace dominated the large room.The hearth was huge and made up of large, smooth rocks that climbed all the way up the wall.Two overstuffed leather chairs were pulled close with another couch and two large wooden bookshelves in the space behind.

Lexi moved into the kitchen, which was just off the main room.It was a bright, open space with a large bay window over the sink facing out to the lake.I watched her open cupboards and drawers until she gathered what she needed and joined me by the fireplace.

"Normally I'd be a little worried that there was a nest or something in the chimney after the whole summer, but Uncle Ray told me he'd used it the last time he was here when the electricity went out during a storm."

"The electricity goes out?"I perched myself on the edge of a chair and watched her stack logs and smaller pieces of wood in preparation.

She laughed."Of course.We're in the woods here.It's not like a big city where there's a backup plan.When there's a big storm, the power almost always goes out."

I stared at her.I'd never been unable to turn on a light.

"This is pretty foreign for you, isn't it?"she asked.

"Is it that obvious?"

"There's nothing better than being in the mountains.You'll get used to it."

Lexi froze, her back to me.I was afraid to breathe.Did she realize what she had said?Did she want me to get used to it here?Would I even have the chance?

"Lexi?"I asked her and prayed she meant what she said."Will I?"

She didn't turn around, but shook a match out of the box and struck it against the side."Leo, we're staying.Ben and I.We've decided to try it, and I think I got lucky with a job.It just seems—"

"I meant what I said earlier, Lexi.I choose you.I won't let you get away again."She turned around and looked at me; her hair seemed to glow as the fire sparked to life behind her.God, she was beautiful."I don't know how I fit into your plans, but I need to tell you that I will need to be part of your plans because I'm in this."

"You're in this?"

"One hundred percent.Whatever it takes."

She smiled, pushed up from her knees and walked over to where I sat."Good," she said and sat, straddling my lap, "because I want you in this."And before I could say a word, she put her sweet mouth on mine and there was nothing left to say.