“So are you gonna tell us what happened? Or do we have to guess?” Nick asked. “No pressure, but I have to admit, I’m a little curious.”

Ugh. I’d have to talk about it eventually and I might as well practice with these guys. Get it off my chest. Stop being embarrassed about it.

“I’ll tell you. I just hope you’re not sorry you asked. I was to get married today, but walked in on my groom getting a blowjob from my maid of honor. She was my best friend, and one of his coworkers.”

The truck was silent for a moment, except for the sound of the heavy tire tread pounding the surface of the road. One of the guys let out a low whistle—I didn’t know who it was. I was afraid to find out. I couldn’t bear to see pity on anyone’s faces.

And my biggest worry—would they judge me?

Derek groaned. “No shit?”

“No shit.”

Shawn just looked straight ahead as he drove, but I noticed his hands tighten on the steering wheel.

“Wow. Just wow,” Nick said quietly. “Your fiancé did that to you? Is he a fucking idiot or something?”

“Anyone who would cheat on a woman like you on your wedding day, Leesa? Total loser.”

Their quiet vehemence and unanimity helped.

“So, like I said, I could use a little distraction. It’s been the day from hell, but you guys are really helping cheer me up. So let’s check out this little lake you keep talking about. See what it’s all about.”

I didn’t have a swimsuit, but I was thinking that somehow didn’t matter.

* * *