Sexon the Beach

Silence reignedin the truck as I finished my story. Shawn turned on some music but kept the radio low as I dozed until we left the smooth pavement and began to bump along on an unpaved surface.

I looked around, uncertain about where I was for a split second, but when I looked at the guys, I quickly remembered. Seeing I was awake, Derek, sharing the backseat with me, reached over and took my hand.

“We’re here, and the weather’s amazing.”

The guys hadn’t been exaggerating about the beauty of the lake, and how lucky they were to have it on the ranch where they worked and lived. Off on the other side of the dirt road was a large cattle herd, just barely seen as they grazed their way over a slight hillock. Meanwhile, we wandered in the opposite direction, down to a little cove where the water was deep blue, and to a sandy little beach shaded by a couple towering pines.

It was idyllic. Quiet, peaceful, and private. Everything that my day had not.

Shawn spread out two blankets, and Nick set the cooler in between. Without any shame, the three of them stripped off their shirts and pants, down to their boxers, which I guessed was typical ranch swimming gear. It was quite the sight.

I plopped down, pushing aside the shredded remains of my wedding dress.

“You know,” Shawn said, “you might want some sunscreen. I mean, you’d already been out for a while before we picked you up.”

He was right. I was usually completely neurotic about my pale skin, and had been outside the better part of the day. My ass included. I was already pinking up along my calves, and I could feel my neck tingling. “Thank you.”

He pulled a tube out of his backpack. “Let me get your shoulders.”

I watched Nick, down by the water, pull something that looked like a surfboard with a long double bladed oar out of a wooden shed. He pushed it off into the water while Derek swam alongside, relaxing in the water.

“This morning was hell,” I said, marveling at how things had taken a turn. “You guys saved me from a very fucked up situation.”

Shawn said. “I’ve had my heart broken once or twice, myself. Not quite what you went through, but I have been cheated on, too.”

“Who would cheat onyou?”

Shawn chuckled sadly. “Sometimes a girl wants the country club, not the country boy. But that doesn’t matter. This is about you.”

I pulled my hair in front of one shoulder so Shawn could apply my sunscreen. It was smooth, nice, and the feeling of his strong hands on my skin felt like heaven. His thumbs gently kneaded my muscles, my body began to respond to his touch.



“Are you sure you’re just a ranch hand?” I asked, biting my lip as his thumbs worked down my neck to between my shoulder blades. “You’d make a hell of a massage therapist.”

He chuckled. “I’ve picked up some skills over the years.”

I sighed, loving the warmth of the late afternoon sun and the attention of one of my three cowboys.

I got to my knees, watching a smile spread across Shawn’s face, and reached behind me to find the satin ribbon holding my corset closed. The crisscrossed fabric took a little encouraging to undo, but as soon as it was open, my breasts popped out, and I took a deep breath, happy to have that horrible thing no longer rearranging my ribcage. I unhooked what was left of my skirt and dropped back down on the blanket, clad only in my panties—the ones that had been such a fun part of our sexy time on the side of the road an hour earlier.

Shawn continued applying sunscreen now that my back was more accessible, his touch never too rough. Without meaning to, I moaned quietly, settling into the warm sand underneath the blanket we lay on.

“You know how beautiful you are?” he said quietly, his hand now smoothing down the backs of my legs.

In answer, I turned over to my back. I found him hovering over me, his eyes taking me in, his own breath pausing as he absorbed me with his gaze. When his eyes came to mine I could see what we both wanted, and just as we were about to touch, we were interrupted by a catcall from the water.

“Hey, get a room!” Derek shouted. “You’re gonna scare the wildlife!”

I craned my head to see him upend the board Nick was trying to stand up on, full on grabbing it and yanking over as hard as he could. In a hilarious effort to remain upright, Nick pinwheeled his arms before he tumbled into the water anyway, greeted by the happywoohoosounds of his buddy.

Taking advantage of the distraction, I pushed Shawn to his back. Tugging my thin, already juicy panties to the side, I straddled him, positioning the slit of my pussy right on top of the rock-hard cock protruding from the open fly of his boxers. He was on the large side just like Nick, if I took my time, I could handle him. After all, I’d just experienced having both my pussy and ass stretched. How difficult could one large dick be after that?