An hour later, we’re back home with our goodies. Eve and Kenneth are playing in his room.

We quickly set up the living room with the pizza and decorations, before calling them in.

“Oh my gosh! Are these balloons for me?? Can I keep them?!” Kenny exclaims.

“Of course!! They’re all yours. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get the pizza place to carve the pizza in the shape of a polar bear,butwe can eat it while watching your favorite movie!”

“Yay yay yay!” he shouts.

“And after we eat, we’ll open presents and do the cake!”

His eyes widen at the word cake- we don’t let him have much sugar except for special occasions.

“Mmmm!” He shouts, licking his lips.

The three of us laugh at how excited he is. This kid is about to have the best night of his little toddler life.

We all pile up our plates before sitting down to watch- you guessed it- a polar bear movie. It’s an animated movie about three polar bear brothers who have to save all the polar bears in the world.

It was fun to watch the first three times- but not so much the next threehundredtimes. But hey- anything to keep my two-year-old happy.

The rest of the birthday party goes amazingly, and Kenny passed out early due to a sugar coma.

As I drift off to sleep in our huge double king bed, next to my husband and wife- I can’t help but feel sorry for the rest of the world for not being able to feel the overwhelming joy I feel right now.