
Iwake up from one of the weirdest dreams I’ve had in a really long time. One of those where it takes a second for you to realize that the dream isn’t real. I breathe a sigh of relief, comforted by the fact that that shit wasn’t real.

Once I come to, I become aware of my surroundings, I realize that something is sticking straight into my stomach. Looking around, I see that it’s my son's foot. Why am I not surprised?

A huge smile lights up my face. He’s fast asleep, and I don’t dare wake him. He would never let me hear the end of it. Instead, I let my mind drift, going over the last two years.

Having a kid turned out to be even more amazing than I ever thought it would be.

Of course, it’s no free ride. It’s stressful and hard, especially raising a kid who has three parents and everyone else has two. We’re still learning the best way to do everything, but I think we’ve done an amazing job so far.

Little Kenny is the most adorable baby boy ever. He is obsessed with his momma- she’s definitely his favorite parent. Does it make me and Logan jealous? Absolutely. But who can blame the kid?

One thing is for sure- having a son has changed me. It’s made me even more caring, more attentive, and a hell of a lot more emotional. It’s made me a better man- which is exactly what I need to be to set an example for my son.

Today is Kenneth’s second birthday. We’re having a small birthday party just the four of us- but we still want it to be super special.

Eve got up super early getting a head start on the cake, she’s making it completely from scratch, even the frosting. It is going to be a double layer vanilla cake in the shape of a polar bear, and the frosting will be decorated to make it look like a polar bear as well.

If you didn’t already guess, the theme of the party is polar bears- Kenny is obsessed with them. Every toy of his has to be a polar bear, his favorite show stars a polar bear. His bed sheets and room are all decked out in polar bears. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Two hours later, Kenny and I are both awake and dressed for the day. Eve is already done with the cake and is going to take Ken to the park while Logan and I go to pick up dinner, ice cream, and balloons, polar bear balloons of course.

“So should we get one pizza or two?” Logan asks me as he hops into the passenger seat.

“Hmm, two and a bag of garlic cheese bread.”

“Sounds good to me. We can pick that up last so it’s super fresh when we get home.”


We pull out of the driveway and take off.

“You know- this might seem random, but I just wanted to tell you that I’m so proud of you,” he says.

I look at him, shock no doubt written all over my face. I can’t help it- he was right, it is very random. Logan isn’t often a person who just compliments you out of nowhere.

“Really? What provoked this thought?” I ask.

“Honestly? Kenneth. I just can’t believe that it’s his second birthday. So much has happened during that time- not only with our family, but also with our company. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about how far all of us have come- how far the company has come.”

He’s talking about how the two of us merged our companies into one giant one. Our dating apps have become one, and no other app on the market even comes close to comparing with it.

Our company, which we renamed “LoveRite”, is now a multi-million-dollar company. It has exceeded all of our expectations.

Merging two companies is never easy, and we did it knowing that it could destroy everything we had worked so hard to build since we were teenagers. But it was our only option.

We couldn’t keep putting a strain on our relationship by competing against each other, and we couldn’t just start all over with a brand-new one. Merging them was the only option that checked every box, and that gamble was the best decision we’ve ever made.

Evelyn’s part in the company has been tremendous- I truly don’t think it would have been quite as successful if she hadn’t been there every step of the way, coming up with ideas and barking orders at everyone.

I peek at Logan for a second, before averting my attention back to the road.

“Thank you. I’m very proud of you too. We’ve proved to be an amazing team. I truly couldn’t imagine life or my career any other way.”

“Me neither. This is so much more than I could have ever dreamed of. I feel so lucky, each and every day.”

“So do I,” I tell him as we pull up to the party store to pick up the balloons.