When it’s my turn to teach, I give it all I have because this might be the last time I get to stand in front of students to impart the business knowledge I’ve collected. Sean notices my fervor and gives me a worried look.

When we finish, the students give us a standing ovation. I have tears in my eyes, so I go to the whiteboard to start erasing things.

Sean greets the students that come up to talk to us. There are so many of them, and I can’t help but answer their questions as they come to me.

The students finally leave, and Sean and I are alone. He comes over to give me a hug.

“You okay chief?”

“What the hell Sean? Pull yourself together.”

I go to my desk and start gathering my things.

“We’ve got to fight this, Logan. For Evelyn’s sake.”

I sit down and think for a minute.

“Okay, let’s fight.”

“But how do we fight?”

“We quit. That’s how.”

Sean gives me a knowing look. He understands now why I was so into the lecture today.

“Well, today was a heck of a teaching day. It’s good to leave on a high note.”

“I agree. But what are we going to tell the Dean?”

Sean pauses to think. I can see that he also regrets having to quit, but we are both determined to do the right thing for Evelyn.

“Let’s just tell the Dean that our companies need our full attention right now, with all the new dating apps popping up every day.”

“That’s the truth. I’m going to have to come up with a better algorithm.”

“I already did that, slow poke. Talk about asleep at the wheel.”

Sean smiles at me. It makes me miss the days when we would get into a full-blown argument. But this is nice too. Working together to solve a problem.

“I’ve got a meeting in a half hour. I better get going.”

“Do you need any help?”

Sean grabs his satchel at his desk and then shoots me the finger. I crack up and so does he.

“Let’s think about this some more. Meet me at my office later?”

“There’s nothing more to think about Sean. We are doing this.”

Sean nods and gives a sigh.

“See ya!”

I wave Sean goodbye and I get up from my desk to walk around the lecture hall to see if anybody left anything. There’s nothing but trash, so I pick that up. It hits me in the heart that I’m no longer going to lecture here.

There are worse things that could happen. We could lose Evelyn. My heart sinks when I think of this. Evelyn and Sean are the best things that have happened to me in a very long time. I will do anything to protect them.

I sit down at my desk and take out a legal pad. We are going to have to give a letter of resignation. This is going to be hard to write alone.

I’ll wait for Sean this afternoon, and we’ll do it together. I like the sound of that… together.