
It’s hard for Logan and I to quit our teaching positions at Stanford, but it’s something we have to do to protect ourselves and Evelyn. The Dean is of course not happy with us, so I doubt we will ever be asked again to teach at this university.

“Do you think this was our best move?” Logan asks.

“I think it was our only move,” I answer.

Logan and I are having lunch in my office. It’s Indian food for us today. I’m sweating through the spicy curry, and he’s enjoying his vegetarian fest.

“I don’t care what you say, I’m sort of glad not to have to worry about lecture notes anymore,” Logan says.

“I rather enjoyed all the planning but not so much actually giving the lectures.”

“Well, good for us. We solved the problem. I’m relieved,” Logan says.

“So am I.”

We continue to eat our food in silence. I don’t remember the cauliflower curry being this hot last time. I add some yogurt to my food and hope that it will cool down the burn. Logan doesn’t seem to be having any problem with his.

After lunch, Logan and I part ways, and he goes back to his office. I work through the day and then go home. I have a peaceful night and go to bed early.

The next morning, I meet Logan at his office.

He’s sitting at his desk reading a letter. He has his glasses on and is sporting a big frown.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

Logan folds the letter up into a paper airplane and shoots it my way. I pick it up from the floor where it inevitably lands.

“What’s this?”

“You haven’t picked up your mail yet, have you?”

“No, Janice reads through it and then scans the important stuff and emails it to me.”

“Janice is going to get an eye-full this morning.”

I open up the paper airplane and there it is, “wrong move” in a huge bold typeface.

Just before I can say anything, I hear the office phones start up. One phone starts ringing, and when it’s picked up- another phone starts to ring. In a few minutes, it seems like all the office phones are ringing at once.

“What the hell?” Logan exclaims.

I open the door and go out to the common area. Linda, Logan’s assistant, is on the phone. She looks to be very unhappy. The other assistants are also busy on the phone. I notice that even some of the engineers are answering phones.

Linda hangs up the phone, gathers her notebook, and walks into Logan’s office.

“What’s going on Linda?” Logan asks.

“Well sir, there seems to be a social media situation.”

“What kind of situation?”

Linda looks down at her feet. This is going to be something big because Linda isn’t afraid of anybody or anything. But at the moment, there’s something she really doesn’t want to tell Logan.

“Come on Linda, it can’t be that bad,” I say.

Linda looks up at him from her feet and lets out a big sigh.