
Spending time with Sean and Logan separately has been a dream. They are both such wonderful men, and they are fantastic lovers. I can’t be with just one of them. I want to be with both.

And frankly, I know that even though they have competed for everything their whole adult life, I don’t want them to compete for me. Plus, why should I break them up? They have such strong feelings for each other.

Loving both guys, I think the only solution is for us to be a threesome. This way, we can all be together. It will be amazing. None of us should lose out on something so special just because of what other people think.

While straightening my hair, I decide that I’m going to invite both men to my house for a serious discussion. I don’t want them to think that this is a solo visit, so I’ll send a group text. That way the two of them know that the other will be here.

I think this is the safest way to get them together in one room. I understand why they are so hostile together but by now, since our talks, I think they will have a better handle on their emotions.

Both guys text back that they will be here as soon as possible. They are busy men so who knows how long as soon as possible will take. I go to the fridge and take out some fruit to cut up and make into a fruit plate.

Taking the cheese out of the fridge, I decide to cut some different cheeses to contrast and go along with the fruit tray. I don’t know if they are going to take the time to eat lunch. They both so often just work through lunch.

While I’m chopping fruit, I practice what I am going to say to them. Finishing up the fruit and cheese plate, I put the plate on my coffee table and wait. It isn’t long before I hear the both of them at my door.

“Come on in,” I say.

Both men hesitate at first but finally, I hear them coming through the door. I get up to give them both hugs. They both return the hugs, and I am feeling so confident that this will work out.

“Sit down guys, I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?” Logan asks.

“Is something wrong?” Sean asks.

I smile at the both of them and lead them to the sofa. I motion for them to sit down, and they do. Sean starts nibbling at the fruit tray.

“Come on Logan, eat; I know you didn’t break for lunch.”

“How do you know?”

“A little birdie told me.”

“Spies, I’ve always known you have spies.”

“Now boys, stop it. I have something really important to say. You can talk about this later.”

Logan sits down and frowns. Sean picks up the platter and offers it to Logan. Logan takes a piece of cheese, reluctantly.

“Good, are you settled?”

Both men nod. It’s strange to have them both here on my sofa. They look larger than life to me. I can’t believe that I’m going to ask these guys to be in a throuple with me. Am I being a little too bold?

“I know this might be tough to hear at first, but please hear me out. Promise to take me seriously?”

“Well, that depends on what you say,” Logan says.

Sean looks over at Logan and shakes his head.

“I’ll take you seriously no matter what,” Sean says.

“Thank you, I appreciate that.”

I sit down on the chair that is closest to the sofa. I reach for Logan and Sean’s hands, and they give me one each.

“I’d like for us to be a threesome. I’m not picking between you guys; I want to be totally with the both of you.”