“What about us?” Sean says.

“I think the both of you belong together and would have a really great relationship. That’s what a threesome is, we all have relationships with each other.”

“Would it be like a love triangle?” Sean asks.

“No, not at all Sean. A love triangle is when two people only love that one person. In our case, we would love each other totally.”

After I say this, I hold my breath. Looking at their confused faces, I feel like a fool for saying anything at all. Logan sees my panic and squeezes my hand.

“Sweetheart, I think that is a great idea. I’m in,” Logan says.

I squeeze Logan’s hand. Every part of me wants to jump up and cheer- but Sean still hasn’t said anything.

“What are you thinking, Sean?” Logan asks.

Sean shakes his head.

“I don’t know. I mean it is simple to understand that you and I have feelings for each other. But a relationship? You can be such a prick Logan.”

“Back at you Sean,” Logan starts laughing.

“But on the other hand, you’ve been the reason I’m so successful. Every day for twenty years has been about what you are up to or what you are going to do.”

“What’s your point?”

“I don’t think I could go a day without you.”

“It would make sense for us to take this to another level.”

Seeing what is happening right now between these two guys is amazing. They are figuring out that after all these years, they have been having a relationship. One can’t live without the other.

“Let’s do this,” Sean says.

“I agree. Evelyn, will you have us?”

We all stand up and I open up my arms.

“I would absolutely love to take the both of you on.”

We all start laughing together. Logan and Sean reach out for me and give me a strong group hug. Then we look at each other and start to kiss.

The kissing gets quite passionate. I know I’ve done the right thing suggesting we all be together in a threesome.

“Let’s say we take this to the bedroom,” Logan suggests.

“Yes!” Sean and I answer back.

And off we go into our future.