
Ispend most of my morning grading papers, before deciding to go to the gym again. Not only does the gym help me clear my head, but it always leaves me feeling like I’ve accomplished something when I’ve had a less than productive day.

So once I shower and get cleaned up, I head back to campus to make a stop at the little café there. It’s a nice little relaxed spot, with décor that’s both understated and bold, the perfect balance of power and subtly.

I walk inside and walk over to the counter, stopping dead in my tracks when I look over at the table near the back.

Sitting there and chatting with Sean, is none other than Evelyn. The woman who I’ve been trying to get out of my mind for days, and who I’ve been trying not to give in to. I had gotten her message about going and meeting up for coffee, but I’d chosen to ignore it.

Seeing her is a bad idea, I know that. But looking at her now, sitting there at the table with Sean, I’m wondering if I made the right choice.

Suddenly I’m overtaken with a strong need to see her again. I’m also a bit surprised that she’s seeing Sean as well.

Sure, I’d seen her give both of us her number, but she hadn’t mentioned anything. Though, why would she? And if Sean is seeing her, then why can’t I? Maybe Ishouldtext her back and meet up.

They haven’t noticed me, and I plan to keep it that way, so I discreetly make my order.

“Can I get a medium mocha latte with extra whipped cream on top?”

“Sure thing, anything else, sir?”

“No thanks- actually, I’ll take a chocolate chip muffin too.”

“Alrighty, your order will be right up.”

While I wait for my coffee, I discreetly snap a picture of the two of them sitting together with my phone. Just in case I need it for any sort of… revenge or backup purposes.

If I do decide to text her back and meet up, then at least I’ve got ammunition to use against Sean if he gets bitter or jealous and threatens to blackmail me. Two can play at that game.

While I wait for my coffee, I can’t help but glance over at their table, my eyes drawn to Evelyn. Even in something as simple as a pair of leggings and a shirt she looks drop dead gorgeous. Though to be fair, she could wear a ratty paper bag and still look like something I want to eat. When you’ve got a body like hers, you can make anything look good.

The barista brings me my order.

“Thank you,” I tell her.

I leave quietly, not being spotted by either of them. I head back to my place and make dinner, contemplating whether or not I should actually go through with texting her. Do I want to? Obviously. Is it a good idea? Absolutely not.

On the same hand though- if Sean is seeing her then why can’t I? Plus I’ve got that photo of the two of them if Sean tries to pull any shit. So, after an hour or so of humming and hawing over a glass of wine, I pick up my phone and send her a message.

Evelyn. I’ll meet you tomorrow morning for coffee, don’t be late.

I give her the address for the same coffee shop I saw her with Sean at and hit send, smiling to myself. I’m looking forward to seeing her for obvious reasons, but I’m also genuinely looking forward to our conversation.

Talking to her never feels forced, and I don’t ever have to dumb anything down for her. She’s smart and funny and has wit that keeps up with my own. That’s rare in my experience, and I can’t help but feel eager to get to know her some more.

She’s the kind of woman who has ambition that will take her places, and I just know that she has the potential to be successful. The kind of woman that I could definitely see myself pursuing.

I obviously can’t do that; it wouldn’t be right. Not only is there a huge ethical and moral issue with her being my student, but I just can’t risk getting involved with someone when I’m as busy as I am with work.

Between running my company and teaching, my plate is full. Owning and running a business while also teaching an advanced business class doesn’t exactly leave me with a ton of free time.

Even with all that, though, I can’t deny the fact that I really am looking forward to seeing her again. Regardless of how wrong it is, I do actually quite enjoy her company, with or without clothes.

Still, I can’t help but feel intrigued by her, almost drawn to her. And while I’ve got no idea what the hell she sees in Sean, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like the idea of stealing her away from him. Sure, it’s petty. But I don’t care.

Any opportunity I can get to one up that guy, I’m going to take it. Competing with Sean and being able to hold something over him is always a good thing in my book. Competition has always been something that I enjoy, especially in business.

There’s nothing like a good opponent to help light a fire under your ass in this industry, and Sean definitely falls into that category. Since I’m already doing my best to steal clients from him, why not steal the girl he wants too?

And if that means that I get to have some fun and get to know Evelyn at the same time, then that’s just the icing on the cake.