
I’m in a dream. At least it feels that way. It’s like all the dirty romance books I’ve ever read have come to life.

I knew Logan would finally text me back, but as time goes on, my little glimmer of hope is beginning to fade.

After seeing the way Sean’s eyes darted around the café on our coffee date, I realized how big the consequences could be for them if the wrong person were to see us and suspect something.

I can’t say I’d be willing to risk all they are if I were them.

The bell on the coffee shop door chimes as I walk inside, and I’m enveloped by the smell of roasted coffee beans and delicious baked treats.

“Hello!” The barista greets me.

The person working at the counter is always the same. They’re always busy making drinks and rarely look up but are always very pleasant.

“Hi, can I have a venti Americano?”

My order is up in the blink of an eye, and I find a secluded spot around the corner, with a table for two tucked away out of view.

God, I hope he shows up. With the way he was slow to respond, he could easily have changed his mind, which would really suck because I’m really looking forward to this. With the way Sean has behaved, the attention he’s given me, and the way he told me my ideas and eye for business exceeded his expectations - I feel special under his eye.

With Logan though, it’s more of a chase. I know that will only make my prize that much more satisfying.

“Ms. Blackthorn.”

Logan’s presence was palpable, behind me. I spin in my chair to see his large, 6’5 frame, dressed up in his business casual that hugged his muscles deliciously.

“Hello, Mr. Klein.”

“Please, call me Logan.”

I’m resisting the urge to say, I already do.

“Okay, Logan. Please, have a seat.”

He sits across from me, looming.

I look up and see him looking me in the eyes with a warm smile. It makes my heart beat even faster. Where is the stone-cold professor I’ve gotten to know?

He’s still under there, I can tell. He’s making an effort to be warm, like he rests in the cold, but he’s actually trying today.

“I wanted to tell you, I read your paper.”

His voice is smooth and demanding. His eyes never break from mine.


“I think you’re a genius.”

I wasn’t expecting that.

“How so?”

Oh my God, Evelyn, don’t blush! I need to be as cool as him, but wow. That was satisfying to hear. Logan thinksI’ma genius?

“You’ve got an eye for the big picture. I like the way you think about the long term. You’ve got great business ethics and direction, you’re just competitive enough to succeed but not enough that it will ruin you. I really think you have what it takes to have a huge career in business.”
