I know I’m having a pity party for myself but hell, I worked so hard to get where I am- and now I have to sacrifice my degree. And for them to carry on like it’s no big deal? I can’t stand it.

Right at this moment- I feel like the loneliest person in the whole world. There isn’t anyone to talk to because everyone else is mad at me.

What people don’t understand is that I wasn’t trying to shag my way into an A. It’s like no one thinks I’m smart enough for Stanford. How do they think I even got into the school in the first place?

After a couple of hours, I head home. The boys are gone, but they’ve left a huge vase of my favorite flowers on my kitchen counter.

That was of course very sweet of them, but that doesn’t excuse their lack of care for my college education.

I really and truly don’t want to quit school like they suggested… but the more I think about it, do I have any other options?

At this moment, I’m as sad as anyone can be. I want to reach out to my friends, but I’m not sure they would even answer, or care. After I put the tulips on my coffee table, I lay down on the sofa to think.

There has to be another option, and I’m going to find it.