“Oh, the situation.”

“Yes, the situation Logan. Where’s your head at?” Sean says.

Logan just shrugs his head.

“Can we sit on the sofa?” I ask.

“Sure sweetheart,” Sean says.

The three of us walk to the sofa and I sit down in Sean’s lap and put my head on his shoulder. Logan sits close to us and gives me his hand. I take it.

“This might not be the worst thing to happen,” Logan says.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“You don’t need your degree kiddo. You’re ready to get to work.”

“Yes, come work with us!” Sean speaks up.

“It would be great to work with you. I can tell from class that you are a natural. You could take our businesses to another level.”

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. They’re being so casual about this whole situation. Don’t they understand how hard I’ve worked for this degree?

I want Stanford to be on my resume, I need it to be. If I don’t graduate, I’ll never have that privilege.

What’s more, I’ll have to spend the rest of my life explaining to people why I got kicked out of Stanford. That’ll be the worst.

I look at the boys, and they’re so excited. I don’t want to crush their feelings, but I’m very upset.

“Let me ask you this, what was all my hard work for? You guys act like it’s no big deal to be kicked out of Stanford.”

The boys look at each other, and they know right away that they’ve said something wrong. I won’t cry in front of them, but that’s what I want to do.

“I need to be alone for a while.”

“I don’t think that is a good idea, Evelyn. Let us stay?” Sean asks.

“Yes, Evelyn you need to be with us,” Logan says.

I want to yell at the both of them for being so casual about all of this. But getting into a fight is the last thing I want. I get off of Sean’s lap. I go to the bedroom to put on my sneakers. Both Logan and Sean follow me into my bedroom.

“Hey, going to bed together is a good idea. All of us together; comforting each other,” Logan says.

I avert my eyes. This makes me really, really angry.

“Come on Logan. This isn’t the time. We need to give Evelyn some space.”

“Where are you going?” Logan asks.

“I’m going for a walk.”

“We will stay here and wait for you.” Sean says.

“It’s not a good time for you to walk alone.”

I can’t stand this anymore. After grabbing my favorite baseball cap, I run out of the apartment. I can’t stand talking to either one of them anymore.

They have their lives, their work, and they have me. They don’t understand what it’s like to be me, to have almost nothing. How can they be so ignorant?