“No, Dr. Freud. I just didn’t want to…”

“Come on, be truthful. You didn’t want to be hurt. It all goes back to that.”

“I guess,” I say and shrug my shoulders.

Evelyn gets up from the sofa and gives me a hug.

“Don’t be scared Logan, you are in good hands.”

I hug her back and feel a sudden surge of hope.

“I was vulnerable with you.”

“You sure were.”

“And nothing bad happened.”

“Nope, nothing bad. All good.”

Still hugging Evelyn, I pick her up from the floor to give her a tight bear hug. She starts laughing and so do I.

“I’m glad we had this talk.”

“So am I.”

We start to kiss. All the while, I am thinking about how wonderful it is to open up to this remarkable girl. I’ve got to believe that nothing bad will happen if I continue to do so. It feels as if a thousand-pound weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

“Want to stay the night?”

“I thought you’d never ask.”