“About business…”

The two of us sit in this spot for what feels like no time at all, but as the evening crowd rolls in, we realize it’s been hours. Evelyn isn’t only on the same page as I am when it comes to business. Her humor is the same. Her attention is the same. The way she holds herself, the way she plays.

“Well… I should go. I’ve got work in a little bit.”

I didn’t realize she even had a job, which I suppose is a good thing. It’s just another thing keeping me from inviting her back to my place for wild, hot, sex. Parting is a little awkward. I want to kiss her or hug her, and I can feel she wants to do the same, but instead we settle on a small wave goodbye.

I watch her leave with her skin tight leggings. She knows she’s killing me with those, as if her ass isn't perfect enough.

The drive home is long, but I’m thankful when I reach the gate. My security guard waves, and the iron rods loosen their grip, letting my car slide up the driveway with ease.

Home sweet home.

Maybe I should have told Evelyn to skip work and meet me back here. I can easily give her what she would have made today at work. No, I don’t want her to think I’m just using her for sex. It’s good she didn’t come back with me.

Am Ijust using her for sex? I don’t think so.

The sun has already set, and the sky is beginning to grow dark. Where the hell has the day gone? This must be what it’s like to be around someone you actually like, in fact, I think this is the first time I haven’t wanted to be around a woman purely just for sex.

The woman is growing on me.

I slip to my bedroom and shower in the suite. Thoughts of Evelyn’s little smirk, her little giggle, her freckles, I can’t fight them.

She really knows everything about business. I’m almost wondering why she’s in school. I love how determined she is to start her own. If I was at her side the whole time, answering any questions she might have or giving her anything she needed, there’d be no stopping her.

I want to watch her grow; I want to hold her hand if she falls. Protect her from all the shit heads who would take advantage of her the way they’ve taken advantage of me.

I chuckle to myself.

I’m standing naked under the warm beads of water, thinking about Evelyn, and somehow my thoughts haven’t reached sex.

After turning the water off and grabbing a towel, I wrap it around my waist and flop down on my bed with a sigh. The ceiling of my bedroom is plain. There’s nothing on it to distract me.

It was nice to be in a setting today, where we were equals.

I wonder if she knows how much power she has over me… there’s no way she doesn’t.

Are all her moves calculated? And if they are, why do I kind of like that?