
Iwake up feeling the same as I always do- not sad, but not happy. Just kind of meh. I’ve been feeling like this a lot lately- like I’m not truly fulfilled by my life. And let me tell you- that’s a really shitty way to feel.

The truth is- there are lots of things I would change about my life if I could. But I’m kind of stuck in a rut right now, and there isn’t much I can do about that.

It’s not that I hate the life I’ve created for myself- it’s just that I thought I would be so much farther along by this point. I pictured myself living on some huge ranch, being the best rancher in all of Texas. Or atleastsomewhere in the top five.

Instead, I’m exactly where I was two years ago, and five years ago, and eight years ago. Things just don’t seem to be really moving along the way they should be.

Today I plan on doing a bit of work on my ranch, but first I have to head into the city to pick up some parts and things I’m going to need. After I eat breakfast and get ready for the day, I head outside to my truck.

Just as I’m about to hop in, the famous Mr. Laurier rides up on his horse. Odd- I’m not very close with him, and usually a visit from him wouldn’t mean anything good.

“Hey Mr. Anderson- what do you say you and I go for a little ride together up the road here? I’ve got somethin I’d like to discuss with you.”

“Of course, sir! Let me go grab my Knight.”

A couple minutes later, we’re cantering down the road, onto a beaten path that loops around my ranch.

“So, Liam- how’ve you been? Oil business treatin you well?”

“Yes sir! Very well.”

“That’s good to hear. And your ranch?”

“Had some pest issues a couple months back, but since then, things have been running pretty smoothly.”

“Well I have to say, I’m real impressed with how you’ve turned this place around since you purchased this land. It used to be a huge mess over here. You ever thought about expanding?”

“Oh all the time, sir. That’s the ultimate goal. I’d love to have a ranch as big and successful as yours one day. But land like that is real hard to come by nowadays.”

“Well then today might be your lucky day, son. I’m here to offer you the very land you speak of. Not only that, but all of my prize-winning herds.”

I stop short.

“Why would you do that?”

“Well son, because in return- you’re going to do something for me.”

“Anything, sir.”

“I need you to take my daughter out. You’ve heard of Samantha? Well, I’ve managed to get her back home, and I want you to swoop her right off her feet.”

What the hell?

“Why me?”

“Well, Liam- I’ve been keeping my eye on you. I like your work ethic, and I like the things you’ve accomplished. You seem like a focused man. You don’t find that often, believe it or not. Even in a town like this. You’re exactly the kind of man that I can see keeping my daughter focused. She needs a man like you- and that’s a fact.”

“Wow, I’m honored that you think so highly of me sir. Coming from someone like you- it means a lot. And I would be completely honored to take your daughter out. I’m sure she’s a lovely girl.”

“There’s a bit more to it than that. See, you won’t get my land and my herd unless you’re able to lock Samantha down. And let me tell you- that won’t be particularly easy. It may even take a little while. Not only that, but she can’t know that we even had this conversation. Ever. Because if she were to find out- well, she’d leave and never look back- even if she does fall for you. I can promise you that.”

“Of course, Alfred. She won’t know a thing about this. As far as she knows- you and I have never met.”

“That’s what I like to hear. I can see that you’re going to make me proud, son. I appreciate you hearing me out, I know you don’t get people approaching you like this every day.”

“Thank you for stopping by Mr. Laurier- it’s truly an honor.”