“And hey- if you ever need some advice about anything when it comes to your ranch- please, don’t hesitate to come and see me. If you and I are going to be family- we’ll need to become well acquainted with each other.”

“Of course, sir.”

“Alright, I’m off now.”

Alfred gallops away, back down the road to his own ranch. The ranch that, according to him- could one day be mine. I mean wow… I can’t even imagine how amazing that would be. Truly, nothing would be better.

Maybe this will be the thing that ends my rut. No matter how weird it may be that this dude basically just pulled up on his horse and pimped his daughter out to me- I plan on doing whatever I can to make this happen.

I just can’t continue to let my life be like this. Some real change needs to happen.

I’ve heard about his daughter before- she’s actually quite a famous girl. Samantha Laurier, lingerie model. She’s huge in the U.S, and especially in New York. I’ve even seen her on the TV a few times, doing interviews and such.

To go out with a woman like that? Whew- I’d be one lucky son of a bitch, that’s for sure. Going out with her would be no chore- in fact, I’d call that a win-win. Fancy new ranch, and a fucking lingerie model girlfriend? Every single man in the country would be jealous of me.

Asher pops into my mind- oh man, Asher would especially be jealous. I’d finally have the upper hand on that bastard. A bigger ranch, a better herd- and a sexy, famous girl by my side?

I can’t help but feel like this could be the start of the rest of my life.