

It had been fifteen hours.

The longest fifteen hours of my life.

Amethyst was holding it together, and Elias was leading the family as was his role.

And what was I doing?

Fuck all, that was what.

I shifted from wanting to kill every single person I encountered to wanting to sink into despair.

Neither would help Crystal, and that was the only reason I wasn’t giving in to the emotion that was threatening to overwhelm me.

“Still no contact?” Elias asked when he walked into the safe house living room.

He’d tried to convince me to sleep, but there was no way I could do that. Instead, I’d paced and felt useless and gotten no closer to getting Crystal back.

“No,” I said.

“What else have you found?”

“Not much. It’s quiet out there,” I said.

“That means the word is out, so people are lying low,” he said.

Which made sense.

On those rare occasions when things like this happened, everyone knew the situation was volatile. Lives could be taken in the blink of an eye, even more so than normal.

And it was a reminder no one was safe, not that they ever were.

“I can’t just sit here and wait,” I said, pacing a little bit faster.

“You’ll do exactly that,” Elias said. “You have to be smart. It’s the only way to get through this.”

“Easy for you to say,” I countered.

“Davit, get a hold of yourself,” he said, his voice stern.

I stopped pacing to look at him.

He seemed calm, focused. Was displaying exactly the kind of self-control I wanted to, which pissed me the fuck off.

“You need to look like you give a shit,” I practically growled, my anger getting the better of me.

His eyes narrowed. “This is a very stressful situation, and I don’t have to remind you how much I care for my niece. But there are other things to consider here.”

“No, there’s not. Nothing matters. Nothing but her,” I said.

“I know that. But you know that we have to be smart. And being smart means keeping your emotions in check. You need to do that for Crystal. And for Amethyst,” he said.

“My emotions are in check,” I said.

“Look at your hands,” he said.